What I Wanted to Tell You

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I love you, i didn't mean to but i do.
i've been told not to fall for you but i lost control and i just do.
i do not force you to feel the same way, but i just need to know if i ever meant something more to you? like, have you ever found yourself thinking about me? or recalling memories of you and me? because i do.
the reason why im telling you all these things is not because i expect anything from you. i just want to tell you that i love you and i want you to be happy. you've been captivated in your past for too long and it keeps you away from the happiness surrounds you. im here to tell you that even though you're a broken person you are still able to love and worthy to be loved. i could tell you this because i was once broken too.
Hey, you deserve to be happy too. so i just want to let you know that you will always have me, if you ever need someone to talk to or if you ever need a friend, you can always count on me. you can always find a home with me.


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