Chapter 4

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Grian laughed. He was apart of a group, though many seemed to believe they wore heads like there were no tomorrow. Instead, they had common pins.

He was laughing at the lecturn that was left for him, it was obviously trapped. Grian moved it before giving it a quick read. Just some more Deadquarters stuff. He mumbled while thinking.

Pushing a button to open up the secret stairs, Grian hopped down the temporary stairs. As he walked halfway though the redstone pushed the stairs back to being land. Grian turned, shocked.

It's okay, he told himself, not a trap.

Grian lost some of his fear in the monochromes after the letdown of their Deadquarters, though the subtle fear still remained.

Taking a few more steps, he slipped down the broken water elevator into Sahara's extra room. A few more steps, the hollowed out cave which housed the entrance to The Dragon Bros' own headquarters.

'M-man, the paranoia is really creeping in.' He spoke to no one in particular.

He spruced up the wall, adding a spiffy wooden board. Grian still didn't quite understand how to show off 'Bro Levels', though he could put a few heads on the board and call it a day.

Grian flickered though the heads of the bros in his inventory, trying to select which head goes where, when he looked up. TNT lit and filled the room.

In a panic, he ran to the exit, though Grian wasn't as fast as the explosives. The blast zone hit his back as his health bar depleted, the totem he kept sparkling in an attempt to save him, though it was a lost cause.

Grian's eyes flew open, him looking around in a panic. It was dark, he couldn't see anything. Looking down at his skin he realized something.

I'm not gray..? But..

His vision seemed to be forced up. The familiar face who lurked in his dream, Rendog, and Stressmonster, leading the charge. Also surrounding him was.. everyone who had died.

'I..' Grian stuttered. 'Silence. This isn't you're domain, you shall not speak.' Rendog cut him off. 'Domain?'

'Shush already!' Stress shouted, the others mumbling in agreement.

He finally settled down, Rendog's eerie expression turning more.. calm. Though there was still evil intent in his expression.

'Now, usually when one of us dies, we shall roam the land to add on the rest-' Grian tried to get up, but something tugged at his arms. '-but..' Ren laughed.

'You created this game, it is your fault we are cursed to be without color.' He raised his scythe. 'I declare this dead hermit, to the depths!'

Grian was confused, but when he saw the horror and evil plastered on the others' faces, he could tell this wasn't a lucky situation.

He felt his arms tug him into the ground, Ren and Stress waving at him with a sick smile.

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