Chapter 18

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The paparazzi were waiting to pounce as I disembarked. They'd been told to expect a first meeting between Henry and I and probably weren't sure whether I'd kiss him or slap his face. Either way, they wanted to see it.

I had butterflies in my tummy at the prospect of seeing him again, of being back in his arms. I wondered if he'd still have the same effect on me, or whether our spell had been broken and we'd have to work hard at re-building what we'd lost. I turned the corner, past immigration, and was confronted by a melee of photographers, standing behind an extremely nervous looking Henry.

My heart lurched. He still had the same effect on me. The moment he spotted me, his beautiful face lit up. He pretty much sprinted towards me and pulled me into a fierce hug, lifting me off my feet. "I can't believe you're finally here," he murmured, before kissing me hard. Flash bulbs were going off all around us, but I didn't care, I was too caught up in our personal moment to worry about onlookers. All I cared about was my beautiful man, who by some quirk, wanted me as much as I wanted him.

Breathless, I pulled back, "I've missed you so much," I admitted.

"Missed you more," he murmured before kissing me again.

The press called out myriad questions, mainly about the scandal with the hunter girl. Henry just ignored them, muttering 'no comment' every now and then as he led me out of the airport and into the waiting car.

We sat in the back, well, I sat on Henry's lap as we sped through downtown Detroit. I needed to feel him, reconnect with him. He must have felt the same as he wrapped his arms around me and held me tight all the way home, almost as though he worried I might run away.

I rested my head on his shoulder. "Am I walking into Beirut?" I asked. Henry wasn't the tidiest of people and could create a mess just sitting still. I figured that what with his schedule and no fixer on hand, the house would be a tip and the fridge empty. He beamed his movie star smile.

"Are you kidding? I've been so excited about you coming home that I've got everything ready. I've made us some lunch, I thought you'd be hungry after the fight. I've also had that cleaning company in that you found."

"That's so thoughtful," I said. It was true that I was famished. Henry knew I never ate airplane food. He ran his hand gently over my face.

"I just want to care for you. I know I made mistakes, but being without you, it's been hell." I looked closely at him. He was still movie star handsome, but his eyes betrayed his tiredness.

"This girl, truly, did you sleep with her?" It was a question I needed to ask face to face. I could always tell when Henry was evasive or outright lying." He shook his head.

"She's having an affair with one of the married trainers. I was pretty much the cover story for the pair of them, so his wife wouldn't be suspicious of her tagging along with us everywhere. It was more a favour to him really." He saw the disapproval on my face. "It's a guy code thing," he said with a sigh. "He could knob her whenever he wanted without raising suspicion and he thought it would make you jealous."

"Well that backfired spectacularly," I said ruefully.

"Not really. Well, at least the fans will be delighted I'm back with my 'lady'. I think they'll change their tune about you."

"True. At least I didn't shoot Bambi's mother," I said, probably a little bitchily. Henry just laughed.

"I'll be honest, she was a total pain in the arse. It was like babysitting a twelve year old, plus both her family and her only called me either Clarke or Kal-el. It was really creepy. The family would he horrified that she's shagging her way around the gym. They think she's an innocent virgin."

"Anyway, as long as you didn't touch her..." I said before planting a kiss on the corner of his mouth.

"Never," he confirmed, "my heart and dick belong only to you."

Back at the house, we couldn't keep our hands off each other and spent the entire afternoon and evening in bed, only getting up to fetch the food that Henry had prepared, which we ate naked, in bed. It was heaven.

Morning came all too quickly. I was so warm and comfortable in Henry's arms that we both woke a little late, which meant Henry had to run to make the start of filming. I sat up in bed watching as he pulled on a track suit, smiling at my mussed up hair. "You look like you had a good night," he said.

"I did," I replied, "I feel thoroughly ravished by some film star. Think he might have been some sort of superman the way he performed last night."

His grin got wider, "You think so? I wonder who that could have been. I must ask him for some tips." He paused, "Seriously, will you be ok here on your own? I've got quite a long day ahead."

"Go, I'll be fine. I might even get some work done, see if I can avoid getting the sack."

He planted a firm, wet kiss on my lips and disappeared out to the waiting car. I decided to make some coffee and have a look at the effect of our kiss at the airport.

Nothing could've prepared me for the online outpouring of relief I saw. Very few fans had anything negative to say at all. It was immensely satisfying reading how much they all thought I was a good match for Henry and how happy our reconciliation had made his fandom. On IMDB there were at least five threads on the subject, two of them read-only due to the sheer number of posts that had been made overnight. Facebook was full of it too. It felt as though we had the whole world cheering us on.

I made the mistake of checking twitter. Old 'Hat' had been silent when we'd split up. Now the person was back with a vengeance. *You should've stayed away, now you'll pay the price.*

I shuddered and made a mental note to report it to twitter, before shoving it to the back of my mind to allow myself to bask in the happiness I felt at being back in Henry's arms.

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