Not Alone Anymore

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Erin and Malia sat down on a table in the cafeteria. Malia grabbed a bowl of cereal and Erin grabbed a sandwich.  Erin ate only a little of it because she didn't feel like eating and couldn't stop thinking about Jay. Suddenly a thought came to her. Will. Does he even know that Jay is hurt? Should I tell him or does he already know? I should tell him. But what do I tell him and how's he gonna react when he sees me? I left his brother without a word. He deserves to know. I'll call him. Erin took her phone out of her pocket and unlocked it. She froze when she saw Will's number on her screen. She couldn't bring herself to push the button. 

"Mommy okay? Why are you staring at your phone like that?" 

Erin was ripped from her thoughts. 

"Um... it's okay, sweetie. Mommy just needs to make a quick call."

Erin got up to find a quiet place to talk on the phone. 

"Just sit there, okay, honey? Don't run away or anything. Mommy will be right back." 

The little girl nodded and kept on eating her breakfast. Erin went into a corner of the cafeteria but still had a good view on Malia. It took a few more seconds before she could bring herself to dial Will's number. It rang a few times until someone answered. 

"Halstead" said a male voice.

" um... Will, hi... it's me... Erin... uhh." 

"Erin? W-why are you calling me?" Will said confused. 

"uh... so there's something I need to tell you... um..." 

"Erin what's going on?" 

"Jay,he's in the hospital,he must've been in an accident or something...I got a call from the hospital last night...I-I don't know if he's gonna be ok...I just wanted to call you just in case...I-I..." 

"wait. Jay's hurt? Where are you guys? Why did the hospital call you? " 

" We're at the Cleveland Clinic. I don't know...I was his emergency contact or something." 

"I'll come over."


Will hung up. 

Tears came to her eyes, it was probably one of the hardest things she ever had to do. She tried to hold back her tears and to calm down. She went back to her daughter who had finished her breakfast in the meantime. 

"Mommy okay?" 

"Yes, everything's fine, sweetheart. Let's go back upstairs." 

They went back to Jay's room and sat on the chairs that were in his room.

-----in the meantime in Chicago-----

Will stood in the middle of the emergency room at Chicago Med. He had to process everything Erin had just told him. Erin. Jay's great love. The one that broke Jay's heart and left him without even saying goodbye. 

"Halstead" said a female voice. 

Will didn't react, he was frozen. 

"Halstead? Will!"

 Suddenly, he was ripped out of his thoughts and saw Maggie speaking to him. 

"I'm sorry. What?" 

"I just asked you if everything was okay. You seem so shocked." 

"Um... Maggie, I... I gotta go now. It's Jay. He's hurt. I gotta go see him. Can I..." Will was interrupted by Maggie. 

"Yeah, go on then. I hope Jay gets better soon" Maggie said a little confused. 

Will nodded and ran off. He quickly drove to his apartment and put some things into a gym bag. He took a cab to the airport and caught a plane to Cleveland.


Doctor Lane came back into the room. 

"How is he?" 

"We had to take him to the O.R. He had a cardiac arrest when we went in for a C.T. We think it was an aortic eruption." 

"Oh, my God! W-will he be okay?" 

"I can't tell you that right now." 

The doctor walked out of the room again. Erin felt everything around her start to spin. She hadn't slept, drunk or eaten in hours and her worries about Jay were killing her. Everything became blurry and she couldn't see clearly. She tried to support herself somewhere, but found nothing until she finally found an armchair to support herself.But it didn't get any better, she couldn't concentrate anymore and she was getting dizzy. Erin heard a muffled voice. 

 "Mommy? Mommy?" 

Malia noticed her mother was unwell and wanted to help her. 

"Mommy ! Are you okay? Mommy !" 

Malia said with tears in her eyes and began to cry. Someone must have heard the little girl crying, because just as Erin was about to lose consciousness, someone came running in and caught her before she fell to the floor.

Hey;) I hope you liked and enjoyed this chapter. As always let me know what you think about it in the comments. Thanks for reading ;)

Instagram: @ linxstead

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