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Hello there! My name is Logan, and this book is a collection of Sanders Sides information as well as theories/random snippets I've noticed and predictions about the series. (Who knows, if I get bored enough I may even do a character analysis collection of chapters) 

This book will be updated whenever I have a new theory or whenever a new Sanders Sides episode comes out, (You are well aware which one is more likely to happen sooner-) 

Disclaimer is that this book will contain my opinions and you are free to give yours in the comments, just do not attack me for my opinions. Please be civil. 

The character information chapters are mostly there for date reference, (date introduced, birthdays, name reveal days etc.) but I also do have an image of the side's logos there, and if they've had a costume change those are there as well. I plan on at some point adding more in-depth things about the characters but at this moment there isn't anything like that. 

I'm planning on making a fandom information chapter which will be a complete list of ships (Unfortunately, including Remrom), as well as pretty widely accepted theories, I am always open to suggestions of what to add to that chapter since I do not know everything about the fandom and am considered pretty new in comparison to a couple of others (I came in at around Can Lying Be Good)  Right now I'm just a little focused on my theories!

Then lastly any chapters after that will, of course, be theories! 

I hope you enjoy reading through this!

Sanders Sides Information and TheoriesWhere stories live. Discover now