Throwback Thursday

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Holly let out a sigh as she stared at the cup of coffee setting on the table setting in front of her with steam gently rising. Her eyes rised to the man sprawled out on the couch watching a game of football and letting loose a stream of curses when the team messed up. A small smile formed on her lips as she thought back to how her life was forever changed by the appearance of Tank, Richtofen, and Nikolai then her thoughts briefly switched to Takeo and why he didn't appear.

'What if he didn't make it? That would be why they never mention him...' she thought growing sad at the thought.

She quickly shook the thought out of her mind and took a sip of her coffee. Her eyes landed on the picture of her brother and a smile rose to her face seeing him in his army uniform with a smile on his face. He loved the army and he was currently stationed somewhere overseas. A few tears rolled down her cheeks as she thought of how proud she was of him and how he was risking his life for everyone.

"Are you alright?" Tank asked as he sat down beside her and stole her coffee.

"Yeah, sorry I was just thinking about my brother."

Tank looked at the picture and gave her a small grin.

"He looks tough, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about."

"There's always that possibility though."

Tank let out a sigh and pulled her into him.

"I lost my dad in war and I worked day and night so that I could come close to being the man he was. I never got over the loss and I let it haunt me for years as a personal motivation to do better. I don't want you to be lost in between worlds or let yourself get dragged into the dark. I'll never let that happen to you, I will always be here for you to protect you from anything. I know you put yourself out to be this strong woman, but no matter how strong you appear I know you're really just putting up a front just like how I did."

Holly buried herself in Tank's side and sobbed as he held her close to him. After a while she calmed down and when she did Tank lifted her face and for the first time he kissed her. Holly's eyes closed as she wrapped her arms around him and found herself running her hands through his hair. They slowly pulled apart and Holly rested her head against his chest.

"Tank, I'm so glad that you all appeared. All three of you have made us the happiest we've ever been, well I can't say the same with Kelsey, but I know we wouldn't trade any of you for the world."

It was at that moment that Holly's phone started to ring. Tank let out an annoyed sigh as she answered it.

"Hey Tess- wait... WHAT! Tank we need to go to Tessa's, NOW!"

'A once peaceful day,' she thought 'turned into a nightmare.'

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