Gone for good?

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Y/N quit and now they are looking all over the screen to see if they can track her down since there was still a tracking device in her neck. Soon they realized they weren't getting a signal so that means Y/N found out a way to get the tracker out. Chapa is on the couch crying with Bose is trying to calm her down. Schwoz, Charlotte, and Mika were trying to find another way to track her down. Ray was talking to Henry. Miles was pacing up a down. "RAY THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" chapa said. "Chapa, calm down" Bose said. "DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!" She shocks him with a bolt. "Ow! Why are you so upset about Y/N quitting anyways?" Bose says. Chapa gives him a stare that translated to "Are you serious right now?" "YES WE GOT IT!" Charlotte said. Chapa quickly stood up. "You did?!" Chapa says clearly excited. "Yes! She's....in an unknown place?" Charlotte says. "Great let's blow some bubbles and stop this trouble" Ray says "wait" schwoz says. "uggggghh whaaaaat" Ray says. "We need to give you directions, you can't just go looking around for this place." Schwoz says. "Fine" Ray says. Schwoz gives him the directions and they all take off.

When they got to the unknown location, Chapa immediately ran in to look for her lost girlfriend only to be stoped by a security guard. "Woah woah woah hold on there wannabe superhero." The guard says. "Wannabe superhero? Oh I'll show you wannabe superhero!" Volt knocks him out with a bolt. They all run inside and look for Y/N. After 30 mins of searching all they find is a secret hideout. They go in because they're curious on why there's another hideout. They are surprised to see a hero dress in full white and gold with a hood, a mask, and a voice changer. "Hello?" The new hero says. "Hey, have you seen a tall girl with hair to about her shoulders with a red hoodie and jeans?" Volt asked. "No, why?" The hero says. "No reason! We just wanted to know." Volt says. "Hey what are you doing here? I thought we were the only hero's here in swellview." Captain man says. "Well you were. Now swellview is going to say hello to golden angel." Said golden angel. "No they aren't because we are going to defeat you. You can't take our spots" said AWOL. "Yeah, and do you even have a superpower?" Captain man says "Well maybe you could see me if I do. Or maybe you won't see me at all" says golden angel as the hero disappears. "Woah where did they go?" Said Brainstorm. "They disappeared! They must have invisibility" said ShoutOut. "Ha. That's cute. It's not as cool as being indestructible!" Says Captain Man. Golden angel appears behind Captain Man and he let out a high pitched scream. "Well I guess flying might be better, right?" Golden angel says as they take off and fly around the room. They land on a couch and Captain man says "Well we still are gonna fight because I'm not having my popularity go away because of some kid that wants to be the next Captain Man!" "Next Captain Man? Pffft I'd rather be the next volt for all I cared!" Golden says. "Whatever. Meet us at the beating dungeon tomorrow night, we aren't finished just yet!"Captain Man says. "Great! See you guys then." Said golden.

when they arrived at the mans nest ShoutOut started a conversation "So are we going to fight this new hero and not look for Y/N?" "Oh! We're still looking for Y/N!" Said Volt "I don't know. What if she's gone for good?" Said AWOL. "Miles!" Said ShoutOut. "Wait what do you mean new hero?"Charlotte says. "When we went to go look for Y/N we went to a secret hideout we found at the unknown location and we saw a new hero sitting at chair" Ray says. "Well I don't know about you guys, but I'm transforming back to my regular clothes." Said brainstorm. "So are we" danger force said. They all blew a bubble. "So Ray, do you think Y/N is gone for good?" Says chapa. "Pffft no way she is! She's going to come crawling back to us eventually." He says. "WE DON'T NEED HER EVENTUALLY WE NEED NOW" chapa said. "Ok fine. We'll find a way to get to her as soon as possible." Ray says. "Good" chapa says. "Hey ray this new hero is quick!" Mika said. "What? Why?" He says. "They answered this emergency call before us and saved a family of 6 and their 2 dogs from a house fire. It's all over the news, look" Mika says
This just in, a new hero has been spotted saving a family of 6 and their 2 dogs from a house fire before danger force could get there. The hero seems to go by the name "golden angel". "Turn it off!" Rays says "why are you so pressed?" Chapa asks. "Because that new hero! They're going to take all of the good crimes and leave us with the lame ones!" Ray says. "Relax, the universe will fix it" miles says. "No it won't! I just can't wait for the fight tomorrow so we can get our spots back!" Ray says. They all go downstairs to practice for the fight.

-hey guys! I'm sorry only 3 paragraphs but I hope it's enough to entertain you. Bye I love you all!

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