The Meeting of Minds

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Practically dragging her friends over to the other side of the room with her, Yang took up her position, standing in the corner of the kitchen, arms perched on a black stone counter flecked with gold. "So this is.." she began to explain, before being interrupted by a rather disgruntled-sounding Joanna. "Kitchen? I've seen these before." Yang responded to Joanna's smart-assed response with a look that spoke a thousand words, most of them unprintable. "Wow." Jana interrupted, her smooth Patchian lilt cutting through the tension like a warm knife cuts through butter. As Ana looked at the redhead to see what she was so amazed by, she saw that Jana was stroking the cold, smooth counters with a look of awe upon her face. "Never seen a kitchen counter?" Ana whispered, the smirk on her porcelain face showing she was joking. Well, semi-joking.

"If we're all done caressing the work surfaces, shall I show you the bathrooms?" Yang asked, visibly quite confused and frustrated at the strange band of friends she was going to have to make throughout the coming school year. The murmur among the packed kitchen seemed mostly supportive of checking out the bathrooms so Yang opened up a door on one side of the kitchen. This door opened into a frightfully beige corridor, which had one room on the left, and one room on the right. Yang stood in the middle, like an air stewardess miming the safety briefing, and gestured to the left-hand room. "Here's the main bathroom. While you do have facilities to relieve yourself and perform basic hygeine in your bedrooms, this is where the bath and shower are, as well as your free stash of towels."

"What about the room on the right?" Imaan asked, nervously twiddling with the fabric of her headscarf. "That's the dining room." Yang explained, smiling and showing off her perfectly straight, white teeth. "You didn't really think we were going to make you eat your dinners off your lap in the common room?" Imaan shrugged at this question and responded with "I guess not." At that moment, the group found itself with another tag-along- one with rather loud footsteps who had practically sprinted along from her dorm to see what was going on.

These elephant-esque stomps belonged to a young girl with an enthusiastic look on her face. She stood about five feet and three inches tall, and had a healthily tanned complexion. Her hair was curly, yet somehow seemed neat even in its own slightly wild way, and was the same shade of brown as the bark of an oak tree. Her outfit was a two piece black getup which covered her sleeves and ankles, yet strangely left part of her midriff uncovered, a little like Kim Possible. Attached to the top of this outfit were two long trails of orange fabric, that tapered out to nothing at around knee height. She brushed some hair away from her Americano-toned eyes, and looked up at the others, who- by now- were mostly focused on her. "Hi."

"Hello. Tell us about you!" Maciej exclaimed excitedly, clearly happy to meet another of him new flatmates. "Very well. My name is Mila. Mila Ogan. I'm from Vale, not too far from here actually. Sorry to disappoint, but I have no famous hunting relatives. Mum's an accountant at a processed fish company, and Dad works as an architect creating boring, boxy office blocks."
"Cool shoes." Jana said, making it unclear whether or not she'd bothered to listen to Mila's introductory spiel. "What?" Mila asked, bemusedly. "Your shoes. They're cool." Mila's shoes were, indeed, pretty cool. They were boots that encased her feet, up to her ankles, in shiny patent leather, and added a good couple of inches to her height by virtue of being platforms. Around the edge of the platform part, small metal spikes poked out. Ana looked down at the boots too. "Fuck. Yeah!" Ana shouted, high-fiving Mila over her impeccable taste in footwear.

"Right, now you're all familiar with each other and fangirling over shoes, it seems a good time to explain this." Yang said, beginning to gesture the first-year students back into the more spacious common room. "Tonight is the traditional Opening Night Dinner. There'll be live music, and the food is always good. But the main point is flat bonding time. So my team will be the be there, and you guys will be at our table. It's not like a ball or a formal do, but it would perhaps be best if you could change into something a bit dressier. I'm especially looking at you." At the end of her last sentence, Yang's mauve eyes focused entirely on Maciej's outfit of t-shirt and sweatpants. Maciej certainly noticed this, and blushed until his cheeks were nearly the same maroon as his trousers.

Nodding at each other, the teams went back into their separate rooms. As Yang opened the door to her own bedroom, she braced for whatever problem she may have to deal with. "Ugh! Daddy's new maid packed me shoes that are just not the right white to match the dress!" There was no mistaking this stuck-up whinge as belonging to anyone other than Weiss. While she frantically tore through her case looking for the right shoes, Blake- who was sat on the opposite bottom bunk doing her makeup- kept having to bob and weave to dodge flying blouses and bras. On the bunk above Weiss, Yang's younger sister Ruby was trying to tame her unruly hair. Taking a deep breath as if she was about to enter a den of angry lions, Yang opened her wardrobe and picked out the outfit she planned on wearing. It was a yellow dress with black lace patterning over its top and hem, teamed with a fudge-brown jacket with large shoulder pads, and a pair of black and gold high heels. Sighing to herself, Yang tied back her hair into a bun, and took off her jacket.

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