The Night of Pleasure

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Yang stood before Team JJAM in a mustard yellow, strapless dress, from which her ample breasts threatened to break free. The dress reached down to her knees, where her black heeled boots carried on down to her feet, and provided a kitten heel. To match the black leather of her boots, she had donned a string of black pearls around her necklace, and in little droplets from her ears.

"So... is anybody else a lesbian right now or is it just me?" Jana asked nobody in particular, eyes darting between all of her teammates. "No, I am definitely also a lesbian right now. Then again, I was a lesbian before." Ana pointed out, fiddling with her cufflinks. "Would be difficult for me to be one." Maciej said, completely emotionless in tone.

Behind Yang, her team followed. "I'm glad you like it. She planned another outfit and threw an almighty fit when the jacket didn't fit." Ruby said, smiling to herself.
"I did not!" Her sister rebutted. "I purely smashed the mirror because it made me look shit!" Team JJAM all carried a very similar expression upon their faces: one that combined confusion with abject terror. "Anyway," Joanna said, uneasily, clearly trying to take the conversation away from themes of the ultraviolent, "I really like your outfit, Weiss."

Weiss blushed demurely at this. Her outfit, although she'd assure you it was nothing special, was stunning. Hand-placed rhinestones swirled around the white dress she'd had made especially to her specifications. On her head, a shiny tiara danced in and out of her milk-white hairs. On her feet, she wore a pair of white patent stilettos. Of course, she was convinced that the stilettos were a white so far removed from that of the dress that she looked terrible. "Yeah, you look like some kind of super-rich ice queen!" Ana said, her eyes darted excitedly from rhinestone to rhinestone.

Ruby's outfit was not quite so shiny, but still seemed opulent. Over a matte black body stocking, strips of red velvet cascaded from her shoulders down to her feet, like an infernal waterfall of lava. Her earrings were long drips of ruby to complement her dress. Whilst looking less tailored than Weiss', or her sister's, outfits, it really suited Ruby and she looked every ounce the rich housewife that her teammates were also serving.

And from there, one's gaze naturally shifted to Blake, who was dressed equally as formally as her teammates but somewhat less colourfully. She wore a gown of black, ruffled fabric, cinched at her waist with a black leather corset. She was wearing heavy, military-style platform boots, again in black. Her hair was tied up into a gorgeous fishtail braid that served to make her whole look read as an attempt at cosplaying a tarted-up Wednesday Addams.

"Time to go then, I think." Jana said, looking around. "I never thought I'd say this, but I agree with the redhead." Weiss' reply came quickly, but was reacted to even more quickly by Ruby's simple shout of "Oi!", causing a rapturous wave of laughter to break out among the students. Composing herself as best she could (which, in all honesty, wasn't very well at all), Yang turned to Jana and asked "You've not forgotten your way to the Great Hall quite yet, right?"
"Well, maybe." Jana replied, face nearly as red as her hair. "It's ok, we all get lost for the first couple of weeks. I'll show you the way. Come on." Yang called out, beckoning RWBY and JJAM down the hallway.

As the teams entered the Great Hall, a great wave of colour spilled out in front of them, every single new student trying their best to stand out in any which way they could. There were boys in tailored, brightly dyed suits; girls in formfitting, lacy gowns; even some students in what seemed like a mix of the two. As their eyes struggled to take it all in, RWBY and JJAM were soon accosted by one of the second-years who was helping to run the event. She stood a solid six feet tall, though a good six inches of that were her rabbit ears, and she was wearing a brown strapless dress which cascaded down to the floor. "Hey there! I'm Velvet," she introduced herself, "you must be Ms. Rose's and Ms. Fíníuna's teams?" Both team captains nodded in acknowledgement. "Ok then," the rabbit girl continued, beginning to turn towards the back of the hall, "your table is number 18. We've got your dietary needs on record, so you needn't get worried. I do hope you have a great evening. My colleague Coco will be with you soon, doing her busybodying around all the first year students." A small murmur of suppressed laughter broke out. "Thank you." Jana said, smiling at Velvet, leading her team in the direction the second-year had turned to face.

They did not get much of a chance to get comfortable around the table, however, before they were approached by a short woman with a precisely cut brunette bob, upon which rested a khaki beret. "Bonjour. My name is Coco Adel, I'm here to get any drinks you may need. Is there anything you require?" Jana and Ana went to open their mouths, only to find Yang resting a finger on them as if to tell them to shut up. "We'll take two bottles of Mistralian red wine."
"And a jug of iced water, please." Jana suffixed, not wanting to choose between dehydration or breaking the druidic requirement of sobriety. After all, one who wields magic cannot safely do so while completely and utterly wankered. "Alright, they'll be right over! The starters should be served in about 5 minutes." Coco said, flashing a little smile before turning towards the kitchen area. As she did, Jana heard a whisper in her ear from Yang. "She's got a lovely bottom." The redhead tried desperately to stop herself from laughing, something that was made much easier when a wide boy in an ill-fitting tuxedo approached the table.

"Y'alright?" He grunted nonchalantly. "I'm o-" Yang began before being cut off by the boy, in a gruff growl. "I'm talking to the ginger. I want to have a few words."

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