chapter 3: confessions of love

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akaashi woke up from his bed for another long, exhausting day of school.

he got up to get his phone off of his dresser. when he turned on his lock screen he cringed at the bright light.

he then set his phone back down on his dresser and got up to get himself washed up and leave for school.


akaashi walked out onto his porch. he looked down at his watch and noticed that he was about 20 minutes early.

he didn't feel like going back inside because he might get distracted by his phone, so he decided that he would walk the longer way to school.


akaashi decided to stop by a little shop on the way to his school.

the shop that he stopped by was a little antique shop.

akaashi has taken a liking to unique and antique things because (name) also liked them.

he walked into the store and a little old lady greeted him and then took her place behind the counter.

akaashi went to the back where all the china was.

akaashi took a liking to china when he was about 12 years old. he always liked the patterns and the designs.

akaashi looked at one particular pattern that caught his eye. it was a set of plates that had a beautiful blue flower on the rim and a big yellow butterfly on the blue flower.

akaashi liked that plate because it reminded him of his grandmother that had unfortunately passed a few years ago.

he smiled while he touched the plate softly. he turned the price tag that was attached to it.

the price tag read 21,000 ¥. ($194.94 us dollars/$272.09 canadian dollars)

he looked in his wallet that he carried around with him and he had just enough.

he went up the the cashier and asked her if she could save it for him until after he finished school and she said yes. akaashi payed right now so after school he could just come and pick it up.

after he had finished paying, he checked his watch that he had on his wrist and it read 6:50.

'just enough time to walk over there' akaashi thought to himself as he walked out of the store.

"hey hey hey akaashi!" bokuto said as he was walking in the direction of their school.

"hello bokuto-san." akaashi responded while he put his wallet back in his bag that was over his shoulder.

"did you stop by at the store?" bokuto asked him, with stars in his eyes.

"yes, why do you look so excited?" akaashi asked the older male.

"because! my grandmother loves that shop! me and her go there every weekend!" bokuto said happily.

"it's her and i, bokuto-san." akaashi corrected the older while he started walking, leaving bokuto behind a little.

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