chapter 5: practice match

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akaashi got out of his bed that was oh so comfortable.

he looked at his phone and almost leaped off his bed when he saw that he was already 5 minutes late to school, and he still has to get ready.

he quickly got ready and left his house. he didn't even think about stopping at the little antique shop. maybe after school.

he reached his school surprisingly quick and entered. he went to his locker in his locker room and saw bokuto there.

"hey hey hey akaashi!" bokuto said as he put his stuff in his locker.

"your late too?" akaashi asked him as he put in the passcode of his lock and it clicked open.

"what do you mean?" bokuto asked him with a confused look on his face.

"aren't we late?" akaashi asked, more to himself as he checked his watch.

"no? we start school at 8:00 today, we don't have practice today." bokuto said calmly, to akaashi's surprise.

"oh yeah." akaashi said as he remembered his coach saying that.

bokuto started to worry about his friend. "are you okay?" he asked his underclassman.

akaashi looked up from what he was doing and smiled slightly.

"yeah, i'm fine." he said. "just thinking about something.

"oh." bokuto said as he finished getting his stuff.

"ima go to my class, okay akaash?" bokuto said as he called akaashi by his little nickname that he gave him not so long ago.

"okay, bokuto-san." akaashi replied.

the volleyball captain left the locker rooms to attend his class.

'damn, why is she in my mind all of a sudden?' akaashi thought to himself.

the girl that he was talking about was none other than (last name) (first name). akaashi has missed her dearly. he knew that she probably didn't remember him.

akaashi shook his head lightly in an attempt to get the girl out of his mind.

he got his stuff out of his locker and went straight to his class.


"hey akaashi, ya ready for the practice match against nekoma"

akaashi and his senpai were walking to lunch together.

"yes i am bokuto-san, what about you?" akaashi responded to bokuto.

"awh hell yeah! i get to see kuroo after all! he's my bro." bokuto said with a cheeky smile at the end.

"your bro?" akaashi asked him.

"you wouldn't get it akaash" bokuto responded to his friend as the entered the cafeteria.

"hey! over here!"

the voice belonged to konoha. beside him was the team's libero, komi.

akaashi and the loud obnoxious captain walked over to their teammates. konoha and komi were already eating their lunch.

akaashi sat down next to konoha and bokuto plopped in the seat on his other side.

"so akaashi, have any girls that are on your mind?~" konoha rested his chin in his hand as he took a bite of his sandwich.

akaashi side-eyed him and just continued eating his lunch.

"i told you guys, i'm not into girls that much."

"so your gay?"

akaashi turned to his side again and saw that konoha had a shit-eating grin on his face.

"no! i'm not. it's just, i don't want to be in a relationship right now." akaashi said calmly.

"oh." konoha replied, a tint of disappointment in his voice.


"we got water bottles, we got some tape for injured players, we got everything. right, team."

the fukurodani team just arrived at their opponents gym.

"yes ma'am" the team said to their manager, yukie.

"okay! now go out there and show them what you got!" she said in an loud voice, loud enough for the whole gym to hear her like she was talking into a microphone.

the team huddled into a circle and talked about their strategy for this game.

after they were done, they walked onto the volleyball court and got into their positions.

akaashi was on the right side of the court. so he was the closest to the audience. he could see all of their faces. some were looking at him. some were looking somewhere else. but one girl caught his attention.

(authors note)
sorry this chapter is sorta short and sounds REALLY rushed but i already have the next chapter planned out!

love y'all <3 

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