VI. Pillars of Justice

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When Jabari entered the room, he gave one look to his guards, and they all immediately shut all the exits. Bastet had her arm linked to his, head held high and eyes as cold as his. He informed her of every detail of his plan, but she was still fidgeting. He tilted his head in the direction of the priestess.

Bastet nodded, walking over to stand beside her. "Your highness," she bowed to Nyla. "I humbly apologize for my previous behavior and if I offended you. It was not my intention."

Nyla was stunned for words, glancing at Sethe for help. He merely shrugged, not knowing what caused the sudden change. Turning back to Bastet's hopeful eyes, Nyla knew she could not hold a grudge against a woman asking for forgiveness.

"I accept your apology," she smiled.

Satisfied, Bastet resumed her standing position on a level below the soon-to-be Queen, her expression as neutral as the rest of the room.

Sethe leaned against the palm of his hand. He was dressed in his Pharaoh attire with golden jewelry adorning almost every aspect of his body, crown and headdress weighing the burdens of his responsibility and the under-piece of white, silk cloth covering the rest of his body, leaving his chest bare and ripped with muscles to intimidate an army. A serpent belt embodied in rubies and emeralds held everything together at his waist along with his sword.

"I did not know that we were bringing other women into this meeting," he teased Jabari, eyes as sly as a fox.

Jabari's expression did not change, though his eyes had a hidden cloudiness to it like a storm among ice. "She is my woman now after all," he said. "I thought it best to bring her to keep Queen Nyla company."

"How considerate," said Sethe. "Now, what is this meeting about?"

"Well, Pharaoh," Jabari cleared his throat, standing in front of Sethe. "There have been rumors of a new invasion. It seems that some of our military information has been leaked."

Sethe shifted in his seat, leaning forward. "I see. Do we have any leads on who this leak could be?"

"Some leads," he answered vaguely as he gazed over his shoulder. "Though some threats have been under our noses all along, isn't that true, gentleman?"

Within an instinct, weapons shined in the moonlight, candles flickering in the chillness of the deadly plot about to unfold, swords glinting among the hundred of candles, and demonic expressions of madness shadowing the purity. Nyla tensed in her seat.

It was a trick, she thought, glancing back at Bastet, who did not seem surprised. And she knew.

An assassin was already behind Sethe's throne, yet the Pharaoh made no inclination to move. Instead he began to laugh comically, his chest rumbling with the heartless sound, his midnight eyes becoming a reflection of the silent death that lurked the palace. Nyla almost could not recognize the man beside her, and truly saw him for what he was.

A Pharaoh.

"Now, how long will you keep this assassin behind me, gentleman?" he asked in a raised voice, booming across the hall. "Did you really believe that I would not come prepared to my own assassination attempt?"

As he was speaking, the assassin masked in all black made a lunge for Sethe's neck that Nyla screamed an earth-shattering shriek of pure terror, but Sethe was quick to react.

Within a second, he unsheathed his sword and sliced through the assassin with ease, giving the man no time to react as blood began to pour out from his body as he laid in pieces on the ground.

When Nyla stood up, Bastet held her wrist, bringing her closer to the shadows, covering her mouth with her hand. Nyla squirmed.

"Listen," whispered Bastet lowly. "If you stay still, they will not harm you. I promise."

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