Unexpected visitors

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The radar showed the enemies. Hundreds of them, I gave the order to suit up and proceed to the flight deck. It had to of been only ten minutes at max before five of the nine of us were in the air. The sound of the afterburners roaring was almost enough to drown out our coms. Most of us upgraded to the fifth gen F-22 strikerunit before deployment. Fast and better armed than the old F-18 and F-16 models.

The neurios were outdated ww2 forms. It seemed to easy. Then my radar pinged two fast moving enemies. Two YF-23. Named ones, I moved to inspect them one was Gray the other was black. I watched as one of the F-18s moved into check the YF-23s out.

In the blink of a eye the F-18 turned into a fire ball as a red laser smashed through it. I waited to see if a parachute would deploy but it didn't I turned to see the two YF-23s turn and head east. They were faster than me. I tried to lock onto them but I couldn't. All I could do was turn back and help defend the carrier.

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