Shadow of the past

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As we made our way back to carrier I started to think about the history we have had against the neurios. Back long before guns people had no way to fight them. When we made guns they learned to fly. When we learned to fly, they flew faster. When we damaged them they learned and regenerated.

Every time we get close to being better they jump ahead and out do us.

After a good ten minutes of flying I finally saw her CVN-65.


She was "born" in 1961 she trained hard in the one year she had been around but as luck would have it in 1962 Cuban Neurio Crisis arrived. Enterprise, Independence, Essex, Lake Champlain, and Randolph held then line launching wave after wave into wall after wall of fire.

She would then see action in the neurio Vietnam war. In 1968 she was sent to the the kingdom of fuso to help in the search and rescue of the Pueblo. This would be in vain as his gear was found chard like it had been attacked by bombs. In 1969, while being escorted by the destroyers Benjamin Stoddert and Rogers her Mana spiked causing her gear to malfunction. She made her way to Pearl and was fixed in a week. She was then deployed with a Task Force comprise of Ticonderoga, Ranger, and Hornet with a screen of cruisers and destroyers.

She was sent back to the main land and retro fitted before then departed for Vietnam again. Once there Enterprise, Oriskany and Midway launched a total of 2,001 strike sorties against the neurio hive.  In 1975 she help with disaster relief. In April 1975, Enterprise, Midway, Coral Sea, Hancock, and Okinawa were deployed to waters off Vietnam for possible evacuation of civilians. In 1979 she underwent a 3 year retrofit.

In 1986. She led Battle Group FOXTROT, including Truxtun, Arkansas, O'Brien, Reasoner, Lewis B. Puller, McClusky, David R. Ray and Wabash. In April 1990, Enterprise under went a retrofit that took 4 years.

After another 4 years in 1998, Enterprise battlegroup spearheaded Operation Desert Fox, destroying Iraqi military targets with more than 300 Tomahawk land attack missiles and 691,000 lb of ordnance. The 70-hour assault was carried out by Enterprise, Gettysburg, Stout, Nicholson and Miami. In 2001 she launched several attack's against neurio targets even chasing some down out running her escorts. This caused her to take considerable damage. Dispite her injuries she would stay fighting until 2005 when she would Trip over a rock just outside of Port breaking her ankle. She would then in 2006 make a world tour before. In 2012 she was supposed to make her last tour... but a old enemy rose again ever scene then she has waited for her chance to strike. Her 57 years of war are showing all the other sea witch's can make laps around her. But she doesn't let it bother her, she just wants to destroy the neurio once and for all, even if it cost her life to do so.

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