Chapter Two

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Luke's POV

"Michael, please." I shoved Michael's weary body off of my shoulder as we settled into the car. We had just flown into LA from Australia for some last minute promo thing. I'm not really sure what time it is or what day it is, for that matter, but I do know that I could sleep on a rock if that was the only opportunity to present itself.

"You're so lame when you're crabby." Michael complained as he switched over to Calum's welcoming shoulder.

"And you're not?"  Michael dismissed me with a wave of his hand, and I faced the window as we drove down the streets I have become all too familiar with.

"Hey, guys, we've just landed in LA," I heard Ashton begin into the camera of his phone, "and the gang is a bit tired." 

Ashton panned the car, and I didn't bother to look amused. "I am too, frankly. We'll probably just sleep for as long as possible and eat some bad pizza, but we'll let you know. Thanks heaps. Love ya."

I just kind of glared at Ashton-- partially because I was annoyed and partially because I was annoyed that he wasn't as annoyed as I was.

"Lucas, if you frown for too long, your face will stay that way permanently," he jokingly warned.

I simply looked away without response and sighed.

We rode in silence the remainder of the way. Pulling into the hotel, we each grabbed a bag-- not caring whose we grabbed. As we got checked in, I took note of the impressive lobby.

"Rooms 319 and 321, boys." I followed Michael, Calum, and Ashton into the elevator and up to our floor. Calum and I were on rotation to share a room this time, and seeing that we are both exhausted, it shouldn't be a problem. 

We sorted out our items and made home in our rooms. Ashton and Michael compared my room to theirs-- both complaining that ours is somehow better. 

"Too bad," I pushed them out the door.

"Hey," I heard Ashton whine from the hall.

I squeezed my eyes shut and took a deep breath before turning around and going to bed. I brushed my teeth for the third time today and didn't bother changing out of my jeans. 

Finally comfortable in bed, I feel it sink behind me. I twisted my head to see that Calum had climbed in next to me, but I was too whatever to do anything about it. 

"Goodnight, Calum," I spoke quietly.

"Goodnight, Lukey," he teased, and I kicked him. "Ow!" He sat up. 

I smiled quietly and closed my eyes for no more than three minutes without hearing a room door slam across from us.

"Bill, I told you before, I don't like it when you call me 'Ginger Pants'. We've been married for forty seven years; I shouldn't have to tell you this every day!" An old woman, no younger than seventy, was carelessly yelling at her husband.

Her husband, clearly more concerned with who heard their dispute, tried to quiet her down. "Ellie, please don't do this again. I've called you that for as long as I can remember, and I didn't think it upset you this much."

"Luke," Calum whispered, "let's never fight like that, okay?"

"Shut up, Calum." I hit him hard with a pillow.

I had finally fallen alseep, for no less than two hours, I may add, when I was startled awake.

"Luke, I told you before, I don't like it when you call me 'Ginger Pants!'" Michael was just inches above my face, whispering loudly into my ear, and Ashton, clearly recording this, looked like he was about to burst from keeping in his laughter.

After a moment of rage, I couldn't help but laugh. 

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Just waking up, Calum asked with a slurred, sleeping voice.

"We missed you guys," Michael excused.

"We were literally on a plane together for twenty four hours, and I spend the majority of my life with you. How do you not want to punch me in the face as much as I want to punch you?" I asked incredudlously.

"Well, I do now." Michael pouted.

I rolled my eyes into a close, and turned my back toward them.

I heard them crawl into the bed next to me and Calum, and I'm pretty sure we were all asleep within ten minutes-- or at least  I was.


Ah, some cliche 5sos for you. Thanks. :)

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