Chapter Four

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The tour proved everything I could have hoped for and more, though it was much more stressful than I had anticipated. I had started crying for no reason on the way back to the hotel, and my dad tried to bribe me with ice cream, but that only helped temporarily.
We walked back into the lobby, and my face was as blotchy as a cheetah. My dad gave me a quick squeeze from the side as we walked silently to our room.
After only hearing the sound of the rattling air conditioning system for several minutes, I turned toward my dad who was surfing through his phone.
"What'd you think?" I held my breath, though I knew the response I would get.
"I think that it's twenty hours away from home; I think that it is insanely expensive..." He paused, taking in my expression, "But I, unfortunately, don't think there could be a better fit for you."
A smile crept across my face. "Really? Because there are a lot of people there, and I just don't know how I could--"
"You worry too much." He cut me off.
"Gee, I wonder who I get that from..." I teased, and our conversation was quickly over with an interruption from the ringing phone.
"Hello?" My dad asked, confused as to why anyone would be calling our room.
"Yeah, one second... May I ask who this is?" I anticipated the answer that I could not hear.
"El, it's for you. Someone by the name of Luke? He says he has something of yours." My stomach tied in knots, and I tried to swallow down my lack of words, but they hung on the tip of my tongue.
I just shook my head blankly and floated to where the phone was. "Hello?" I asked quietly.
"Hi, I never caught your name, but I do have your book." Luke spoke quickly and loudly.
"Okay," I waited for him to carry out his end of the conversation, but it never came. "When can I get it back?"
"Right now?"
"Yeah, sure." I was practically whispering, and I swear my dad was braking his neck trying to listen and understand.
"Okay. I'll be right down."
"Okay." I went to hang up the phone, but yelled loudly into the speaker. "Wait!" Luckily, Luke was still on the line, but I think I startled him. "Where is down?"
"Oh, uh, the lobby area, but kind of in the hall." With that, Luke hung up, and I followed his lead.
My dad didn't speak, but his entire face read that of a thousand questions.
"Uh, that was someone I met in the lobby this morning. He has the book that I had forgot down there, and I'm going to go get it back." I nodded to myself and proceeded out the door.
I made it to the lobby with only slight tremors in my hands, but I couldn't find Luke anywhere. Then I heard his hushed Australian accent. "Hey," he waved me over.
He began to hand my book to me but pulled it back to his side. "Sorry... about earlier. I was kind of rude."
"What? No." I sarcastically blew off his apology.
He looked at me blankly, clearly reading me, but not appreciating it. "Anyway, I know you're a fan, and if you want a picture or something, I'd be happy to do so." Though his tone of voice disagreed.
"Actually, I'd really like a picture..." I said, again, quietly. I can't seem to keep a normal decible around this kid. "But you really don't have to."
"No, it's cool. Uh, would you wanna meet the rest of the band too?" He scratched the back of his neck, looking down at the patterned carpet. I could tell he was following the swirls with his eyes.
"Is this real?" I hadn't realized I had said this out loud until I heard Luke sort of chuckle.
"I'll take that as a yes?"
"This doesn't actually happen to people." I mumbled again, this time knowing what I was saying.
"Well, I guess you're setting a precedent." Luke spoke, almost sharply, almost annoyed.
"Sorry, yeah. I'd love to meet them." I mutely followed Luke into the elevator.
He pushed a button that illuminated the number three. "So what are you guys doing in LA?" I asked, using up all the courage I could summon.
"Oh, band stuff. I don't know really. I think we might be doing some writing or a show or something." Luke hadn't taken his eyes off of the round, opaque buttons.
"Sounds like a blast and a half." I mumbled.
Luke audibly laughed and looked at me for the first time since he apologized.
"What? You've never heard that before? I didn't realize that the Down Under meant down under a rock." I regretted my tone almost immediately, but Luke didn't seem so phased.
The elevator has stopped, and we stepped out into the hall.
"I don't get you." He said-- his accent thick.
"What's not to get? You've only known me for like five hours." I rolled my eyes slightly as his obnoxious comment.
He just sort of smiled to himself. Everytime he does a thing, I feel my knees go weak and my heart nearly burst. "What's your name?"
I hesitated, mostly for show, and recited the introduction I've used since kindergarten. "Eleanour, but everyone calls me El."
He simply nodded his head and stopped walking. I gathered that we had arrived at the rooms. My eyes grew wide, and I couldn't seem to get a full breath of air. Luke must've noticed because he asked if I was alright. When I motioned that everything was fine, he cracked the door open and yelled into the room: "Is everyone decent?"
"It's okay if you're not!" I blurted-- immediately covering my mouth with my hand. I don't filter when I'm nervous.
Luke smirked down at me cheekily, and I nearly squealed out loud.
I heard people inside walking around and chattering amongst themselves. "Alright, I'm coming in, and I have a guest."
Luke entered the hotel room, and I followed him like a puppy. Everything that ran with help of my autonomic nervous system suddenly became a concious act.
"Who's this?" Ashton asked as he approached me.
"H-hi," I swallowing, gaining confidence. "I'm El."
Ashton spread his arms and wrapped me in a melting hug. He pulled away and stuck out his hand. "Ashton," He laughed goofily while introducing himself.
I shook his hand smiling. I noticed Michael and Luke talking in the background, probably discussing my appearance.
Calum was the next one to greet me with a hug; his smell is intoxicating. "So what brings you to our hotel room?"
"I, uh, Luke asked if I wanted to meet you guys." I slurred all of my words together, and, though I'm not one to make eye contact for long periods of time, I couldn't take my eyes away from Calum's gaze.
"Huh," was all he said.
I stood there awkwardly, feeling unbearably small as I wrenched on my fingers in a nervous fashion.
"So you're the one who pissed Luke off this morning." Michael said, walking over.
My face fell, but I tried to cover it up before anyone saw. "No, I'm kidding; he was already cranky. Come to think of it, Luke's always cranky." Michael reassured me.
I laughed a bit, not knowing what else to do, and found myself in yet another pair of arms. Luke and I made eye contact while Michael was still in possession of me, and we both quickly looked away. I felt deflated.
"I promised her pictures." Luke spoke up, breaking whatever emotional tension had built up.
"And my book." I reminded him.
"And your book," he confirmed.
"Pictures it is!" Ashton held out his hand for my phone, which I gladly turned over.
"Who's first?" Ashton looked around expectanly.
I soon found my hip joined with Calum, and I bore a wide smile. Michael then, grabbing my waist tightly but comfortingly, took a picture with me. Ashton hugged me awkardly for our picture, but it was cute because it was Ashton. Luke was the last to take a picture, and I felt out of place and unwanted, but Luke's grip proved me wrong.
"Well, thanks..." I took my phone back from Ashton and waited for Luke to give me my book.
"You can stay if you'd like," Ashton offered. "We really have nothing going today."
"I just want you all to know that I'm actually a crazed fan; I have a dedicated twitter account to prove it, and this might actually just kill me," I warned without a hint of humor in my voice.
They all stood there for a moment before breaking into laughter-- everyone except Luke. He just sat there studying me.
I took a deep breath and began to sit on the bench that was up against the wall.
"So, El, how old are you?" Ashton asked in his silly adorable voice.
"I'll be eighteen in August." I stated matter-of-factly.
"So you're still in high school?"
"Yeah, I graduate in May."
"That's exciting. Farther than I ever got." Michael joked.
I laughed lightly and mistakenly looked at Luke. He looked angry and annoyed, and I felt like I was imposing.
I looked down at my hands as I twisted my ring finger in an unnatural position. My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I felt rude for checking, but I knew it was my dad. I apologized quickly and read the text. "Where are you?"
"Sorry, I'm just talking with some people. I'll be back soon."
"I just wanted to know where you were."
I sighed quietly to myself and returned my attention to the boys in front of me. I felt so spotlighted yet unimportant, and every cell in my body was vibrating.
"Do you need to go?" Luke asked, almost rushing me out of there.
"I, uh--" Luke cut me off before I could explain that I was in no hurry.
"Your dad is probably worried, huh?" How did he know I'm here with my dad?
I grew perplexed and found myself being physically ushered out by Luke himself. The next thing I know, I'm standing in the hallway. As I start to walk away, I hear the door handle twist behind me and chorused voices interrogating Luke before he shuts them out in turn with the door.
"Sorry," he said quickly and began walking.
I stood there, confused out of my mind, watching him walk until he stopped to turn around and signal me to follow him.
My face contorted in harmony with my confusion as I practically jogged to reach Luke. "Do you have my book?"
"Yeah, you'll get it back later." He dismissed me and continued to walk at an unforgiving pace. I didn't understand where we were going until he reached the end of the hallway and continued through a glass exit door.
I had followed him out onto a balcony of sorts where two sets of tables and chairs appeared before me. Luke sat down, and I hesitantly mirrored his actions.
"Why did you bring me out here?" I was nervous because I was sitting alone with Luke Hemmings, but I was also sitting alone with Luke Hemmings in a place where, though it may not be easy to be recognized, he was still very much recognizable.
"I..." It seems Luke was at a loss for words becuase he was clearly as confused as I am. "I don't know."
We sat in reticence for what felt like hours before Luke finally spoke up. "So what are you doing in LA?"
I nearly slapped him. I was sitting across from the love (but most likely infatuation) of my life, and we could barely hold a conversation.
"Uh, I toured UCLA today."
Luke just sort of bobbed his head, racking his brain for more questions.
"Did you like it?"
"Yeah, a lot, actually." I finally spoke at a normal volume but receded back to my mousey state as I spoke up again-- more to myself than him. "But you can't really see the stars in LA..."
"What was that?" Luke asked, his cute eyebrows raised.
"Nothing, sorry."
"You apologize a lot," Luke pointed out.
"I know. Sorry." I winced. "Sorry." I winced again.
Luke laughed, and I felt a shock in my chest. I gave a small smile and brought my attention back to my hands.
"You're not from California." Luke stated almost questioningly.
"Nope. Wisconsin." I affirmed.
"Cheese." He said quietly, and I almost choked on air as a laugh escaped my lips.
"So you do know we exist," I joked.
He rolled his eyes a bit, but his face was still dancing.
"What's your story?"
I bit down on my lip. Hard. "Why do you care?"
"Well, you don't just move thousands of miles away from home for no reason-- no matter how good of an excuse a school may be." I could feel Luke's gaze, but I couldn't bring myself to return it.
"I guess it's hard to figure anything out about yourself if everything you surround yourself with is familiar." I picked at the metal hatching on the table top.
"It's hard to feel significant in a place where everybody knows your name." My head snapped up, and I searched his eyes as if I'd find the answers to every question I've ever wondered.
"You understand." I said, practically silently.
"Yeah. It's hard to detach yourself from the stereotype that's been molded around you for seventeen years. My name is all they know," I further expanded upon Luke's comment.
A faint smile was dictating his lips, and I could tell it was taking everything in him to overthrow his bottom lip to the mercilessness of his front teeth.
I myself was chewing a hold through the fleshy doors of my mouth. "Sorry, that was a little, actually a lot of stuff I've been keeping to myself for a while."
"I can't imagine what you've been hiding for longer." He violently smirked, and if looks could kill, honey, I was six feet under.
I blushed a deep, hot red, and Luke continued to stare.
yay! more cliches. sorry this is the most unrealistic, annoying story that's just like every other one, but writing is theraputic and no one said it had to be quality.
thanks for reading xxxxx

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