Chapter Eight

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I have been at UCLA for a year now, and we get out for summer break today. My roomate, Catherine, had woken me up early saying I was needed down at the student center. I walked down there in my pajamas and found Luke patiently waiting on the sofa. 

As soon as I saw him, my face lit up, and I quickened my pace. "What are you doing here?" I wrapped my arms around his neck as his arms snaked around my lower back, pulling me up into him.

"I thought I'd help you move out." He said sweetly.

"You're too kind." I chastely kissed his lips, and I felt him smile against mine.

"I do my best." He teased. I followed him back to the couch he was sitting on, and we talked about the most recent places he had been. 

"Yeah, so we were in Germany, and it's just insane. I barely got out with my life." He laughed, and I watched as I missed the crinkles in his eyes. It's been three months since we saw each other, and it wasn't through a screen.

He grabbed my hand and ran his thumb over the back of it. Neither of us spoke, but we both watched as he played with my fingers the way he always does. I let him manipulate my hand until a swarm of people start to enter the student center. Breakfast. 

I gave him a look and flicked my eyes in the direction of the door. He nodded and stood up promptly, rushing me outside. We laughed as we ran through the crowd of people, and he stopped out under a tree in the yard. 

"So, I talked to your parents..." He started, and I became confused and slightly nervous. My parents weren't too keen on Luke and the whole famous musician thing, but they've really come around. They adore him. "And, if it's okay with you, after we go back to your house for like a week, I was wondering if you'd wanna go to Australia with me while we're on holiday?"

My mouth dropped open, and I searched Luke's face for any hint that it was a joke. "Seriously?"

"Yeah. I asked your parents if that would be okay with them, and, aside from your mom's jealousy, they thought it was a nice idea. But they wanted you to come home first. So I thought we'd do a week in Wisconsin and then fly out for two-ish weeks in Australia?" Luke played with his lip ring, nervous, even though he new my answer.

I was so happy all I could do was laugh and kiss him. "So that's a yes?" He laughed as we pulled apart.

My face fell flat. "No..." 

Luke deflated. "What? I thought--" His voice hightened, and his eyes frantically moved around.

I laid a hand on his arm, smiling. "I'm kidding; I would love nothing more." 

"You're the worst." He mumbled, smiling.

I shrugged and took a seat next to Luke on the ground, pressing myself into his side. A new nervous habit of mine, I twirled the ring-- Luke's ring-- that had taken a new home on my finger. Luke had given it to me on our One Year as a token of himself to keep with me while he was away. A small gift but a priceless value. 

I looked up at Luke and away again before he saw me, but I wasn't quick enough because Luke was already looking at me. "What's up?"

"Do you think your family will like me? I mean, I know I've talked with them on Skype and stuff, but meeting in person is always different." I took a deep breath, embarrassed by my own uncertainty.

Luke look at me with sympathy. "I'm pretty sure my mom loves you more than she loves me, and you make my dad laugh harder than I've ever seen."

A small smile crept across my face as I studied the grass. "Okay."


the end. thanks for reading. sorry this is really underwhelming and unimpressive. the ending sucks, but i don't want to expand anymore. i don't have school tomorrow. :) bye xxx

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