He meets your family for the first time

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Frodo: You looked to Frodo who was sitting next to you at the dinner table, your hands laced together underneath. You smiled as he told stories that intrigued your family, even your younger siblings were interested. You and Frodo had been together for about six months now, and you decided it was time for him to meet your family. They really did love him. You were nervous of what your mother and father thought, but before you and Frodo were on your way out, your parents welcomed him into the family, making you extremely happy and relieved.

Sam: Sam was very nervous. You kept telling him he'd be fine. After all, your parents were easy going and light hearted. There was nothing to worry about. When you arrived at their home, you were absolutely shocked at what happened next. Sam was instantly pulled into a big hug by your father and mother. "So this is the Samwise of Gamgee my daughter is always babbling about?" Your father said humbly. "Pleasure to meet you my son, and welcome to the family." You were very relieved your parents loved Sam. When you ate dinner, Sam was the center of attention. Your parents and older brother asked him many questions that usually included a long enchanting tale of heroic acts. After dinner when it was time for you and Sam to go home, your mother leaned over to your ear. "This one's a keeper he is. You better hold on to him."

Pippin: He was eager to meet your family. You were the youngest of eight hobbits. This meant you had many nieces and nephews. Pip loved children, which was ironic because he acted like one. You arrived at your childhood hobbit hole with your huge family greeting you both with open arms. Pippin played games with the children and told them stories of adventures he and his cousins had gone on. You smiled knowing that one day, he'd be the best father.

Merry: Merry fit in just perfectly. Your whole family enjoys his company and loves when he's around. Your youngest cousins like to ask him questions. Questions like 'whats your favorite food' or 'tell us that story where you went on an adventure with Mr. Frodo' It doesn't matter what time or where you are, they just like to question him. You cant help to giggle when they do because its the most precious thing you've ever seen.

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