He asks you to dance at Bilbo's Birthday Party (his pov)

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Frodo: "You really think I should ask her to dance?" I said nervously to Pippin.

"Well if you don't, then I will," Pippin said with a smirk.

"Well, here goes nothing," I breathed, walking in her direction.

"Shes the most beautiful Hobbit I've ever seen. What if she turns me down? Then what? Ill probably embarrass myself and look like a fool," I began to scare myself.

I turned on my heel, walking back to Pippin.

"I can't do this Pippin," I replied, to the surprised look he gave me.

"Sure you can," Pippin chuckled. "In fact, here she comes now. Y/N! Frodo has something he wants to ask you."

With that, he pushed me towards her. She was a good fifteen feet away with her best friend, Y/F/N.

There was no stopping now, especially now that Pippin had gotten her attention.

I semi-awkwardly walked over to her, looking right at the ground while doing so. I looked at her, her smile making me happy, and my stomach jittering with butterflies.

"Hi. Erm Y/N, would you-" I made eye contact, stopping my sentence as I was mesmerized by her eyes.

"Like to dance?" She giggled, finishing my sentence.

I chuckled, "Yeah, thats it."

She confidently took my hand, and we danced the night away.

Pippin: "Y/N is so beautiful," I said to Merry, who was sitting right beside me.

"She is, but I think I fancy her sister a wee bit more," Merry said with a laugh.

"I'll ask Y/N to dance, if you ask her sister," I said in all seriousness, looking to Merry, who was staring at Y/N's sister.

"Deal," said Merry who, still staring, didn't even look while snaking my hand.

Merry and I started to walk confidently to the girls. I stopped in front of Y/N.

"Care to dance, little lass?" I smiled, reaching out my hand.

She giggled, taking my hand.

"Of course!" She cheered.

I looked to Merry, who was trying to persuade Y/N's sister into dancing with him. She finally obliged, when Y/N told her it would be fun if he danced. I winked to Merry as Y/N took my hands.

She pulled my hands, skipping along, dancing, and getting us lost in the music.

Sorry I didnt do Sam or Merry! I have darn writers block! xxx thanks for reading though!

- Abby 😘

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