Chapter 2

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- Judith! God damn it, hurry up! Otherwise you will be going to the nearest bus stop! - I heard Rosie behind the door of my room. I've been trying to choose an outfit for tonight for an hour. After our small exchange in the car, however, it turned out that I bought two tickets for the concert, which is to take place today. It's a glory day! Well, maybe not quite, because to be a day of glory I have to break his heart. This is of course the first thing, the second is at least to talk to him. The longer I stand in front of the mirror with the red top applied to my body, the farther this glory day went away. I had a choice of red top, which said " take me, I'm sexy as hell " or blue body with indentation in the breast. Which showed that I am a nice girl, but I can show claws. Difficult choice. First impressions are always important. If I get it right the first time, I might get his number. And if I give a suck I can only kiss the concrete through the arena, and the money that I spent on it was thrown into the ocean like a "Titanic". Finally, I sighed loudly and grabbed the blue body. I quickly started pulling it on the body, almost killing myself. I grabbed black jeans from the cupboard by the way and immediately slipped them on my feet, jumping with tickets in my teeth to the exit. When I was finally dressed, I took the paper out of my mouth, straightened my hair and opened the room door with a smile. The first thing I saw was Rosie's bored face, fully dressed and with the keys in her hand. She had a denim skirt, a purple sweater buttoned up and slipped into the skirt, and black boots on her legs. Rosalind Wilson in all her person. Without a word, she turned on her heel and started toward the exit door. As you know, we did not have common views regarding my revenge plan. One can say that she was rather against it. Of course, all this didn't moved me even a little. I created my plan for a few years. It had to succeed. I rolled my eyes and followed her. Before we left the flat, I put on white conversations and grabbed a leather jacket from a hanger. I locked the door with my pink Barbie keyring, which I got from my niece on Christmas Eve, and then headed in to the Rosie lumber, who she calls the car of the future. Not paying attention to her idiocy, because everyone would prefer to drive a car than a bus, I opened the slightly rusty car door and sat on the ragged seat.

- Seriously Rosie. As soon as we get paid, we calculate how much money we need to survive in this wilderness and put it in a jar to save for a new car. - I said wearing my seat belt. The brunette looked at me indignantly and started the car.

- What do you mean? It's a great car. Has character. - She said leaving the parking lot in front of our block. Rosie, he still doesn't understand the seriousness of my words. I have the impression that driving this car hangs on my life.

- Please. Soon it will fall apart. The armchairs are dilapidated, five hundred thousand candy papers wraps on the ground, the radio doesn't work and you spend more on repair than on bills. I'm waiting to finally fuck up on the way home. - I reached into my purse at my feet and pulled out a small vanity case. Before leaving I did not finish my make up, so I had no choice. I could go out to people with half-finished face and condemn myself to eternal humiliation, or finish it in a car where it would be like fighting with a bear. Rosie is not a ... how to put it ... a delicate driver. It's a bit like a racer, but on the streets. So the challenge I gave myself will probably be the biggest mistake I will ever make.

- If you don't shut up, something else may be fucked up. I can even predict that it would happened during this trip. - She said without looking away from the road. I rolled my eyes at her and tilted the mirror in front of me to look over. Not that there was something to see there, because it was all yellow. - Before we enter the arena, I want to make sure you want to do this for one hundred percent. Judith, it's a boy, not a mascot. It's a man and he has feelings. How do you know if he won't break down? - I let out a breath and removed the mascara from the beautician. I knew that this topic would appear. Rosie won't let it go so easily to push me away from this idea.

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