Chapter 9

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- I hate Ikea. Why are we even here? - I asked Ro, who was pushing the cart through the front of the kitchen area in the shop. I don't and will not like this store. It's like a Narni wardrobe, you go in, but you can't leave. The entire store is always crowded with people and around are five million things and items that you don't need to live. However, you buy them anyway out of curiosity. The brunette next to me sighed dramatically and grabbed the pans lying next to me.

- We need to refresh our house a little. Glasses, pillows or at least a new blanket for the couch in the living room. Our apartment is actually now darker than Voldemort's soul. - I rolled my eyes at her and grabbed the frying pan from her hand, putting it back in place. By saying than buy new pillows, we don't need pots or other kitchen utensils. The store, however, is so strategically ideally placed that to get to the department that you need to go, you have to travel thousands of kilometers and paths to get there. It is like an Indiana Jones trip.

- Tom Riddle wasn't that bad. - I said slightly offended by her statement about my unfulfilled love. I've always loved the world of Harry Potter, and after seeing the Chamber of Secrets, I figured Voldemort wasn't actually that bad. Let's be honest ... everyone would follow him if he looked like this all his life. Maybe that's why I fell in love during my school days at Simpson? Maybe he was a reflection of my type that I created in my youth? He had everything I loved about all male characters from movies or series. Tom Marvolo Riddle is a perfect representation of this. It is not only about the appearance but also the character. Voldemort became what he became through his ferocity and determination. He was also critical and dry to everyone, he considered himself better than others. Bradley Will Simpson is a human reflection of this character. He walks like a god who is entitled to everything. He considers himself better than others and he proves it at every step, breaking people's hearts in two. He never loved anyone actually, never felt anything for anyone. He is an empty body without emotions, especially empathy. This is a boy born to destroy human souls. This is my goal. To awaken or create love for the first time in him. Something through which he will finally show his fragile skin. I'll be able to finally see him weak. However, it is not as easy as I thought. Our last meeting sparked ... a little action between us. Something I'll never forgive myself. I know it would happened in my plan, but it still wasn't something that I would consider pride. Or rather, a disgrace. Still, when I think about this kiss, I feel an offense to myself. Not only because our lips touched, or the DNA connected via our saliva. No, it bothers me to let old Judith come back for a while. Weak and naive. Judih, whom I hate and is the worst thing I could do with myself. I acted like a complete idiot. I have suffered a moment, where I can't do that in my plan. In every moment of our meetings, I have to keep myself on the ground. Otherwise my plan will ruined. Otherwise, the darkness will swallow me completely and I will fall into the dark abyss of suffering and tears caused by a broken heart. I have to be tougher. I have to show that I'm better than some little brunette in the band. I can't go crazy once again. Otherwise, all my work and what I have gone through will be wasted, and I will end up being a stupid girl who fell in love with Bradley Simpson.

- You only say that because he is your crush. - Rosie sighed and pushed the basket forward, which kind of brought me to the world. I was too engrossed in thinking that I hadn't noticed a change of area we were in. I was too engrossed in thoughts of Brad. I must forget about him! I'm out shopping and all I can think of apart from a toilet brush are the brown eyes I saw last Wednesday. I'm starting to lose my mind and go crazy! I can't get manipulated like that.

- It's not a bad thing.

- No, but he wanted to kill Harry. - She turned to me, shocked at my words. I rolled my eyes at her reaction and grabbed the black towel lying in the bin beside us.

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