Chapter 5

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Looking again at the mirror in the room, I fix the panties that cut into my ass. As you know, tight dresses aren't made to wear any kind of underwear. Tight dresses are created to attract the attention of men in clubs to later remove it as soon as possible. Tight dresses are made for this. Not to go to an elegant restaurant in the smallest panties you have left in your drawer. I dropped my blond hair by the shoulder and looked closely at my reflection in the mirror. I could tell one thing. If I don't get his attention through my hooker look, I'll be done. The red strapless dress adhered to me like a leech, black high heels added a few centimeters to me (as if I couldn't surpass him any more), and Rosie's perfect makeup. Honestly? I never thought in my life that I would dress that much for a boy. Unfortunately, to the man he is still a little lacking. I turned with disgust without taking my eyes off the mirror.

- I want to interest him Rosie, not have sex in the women's toilet waiting for the bill. - I said. Better he won't play a gentleman today and help me with sitting to the table. I have the feeling that if I move slightly or squat, my dress will jump up and show a large part of my buttocks. Knowing his love for female body parts, he probably wouldn't mind, but there is one obstacle. I would mind. I looked at Rosie lying on the bed with her nose in the phone, who apparently had deep respect for what I was talking to her. I sighed loudly and rested my weight on one leg.

- What do you mean? It's okay. - With one hand she grabbed the popcorn from the bowl next to her. I raised an eyebrow at her.

- If I bent down now, he could get inside me with his five-centimeter dick. He or the waiter. - I folded my arms and looked at Wilson reproachfully. The brunette finally looked up at me and just as I frowned at me in a grimace.

- Than don't bend over. - She said, then went back to looking blankly at the phone screen. Irritated, I growled and looked at the watch on my wrist. This dick should already be here, where the hell is he? What if it's a joke? After all, I survived school, you can make fun of me. I'm an easy target, I have always loved this egoist so I could be fooled by everything. I bit my lip out of stress. - Your boyfriend writes. - My friend pulled me out of my mind by holding my phone. Like a torpedo, I threw myself at her for my property before it entered anything else. She screamed in terror and I snatched the cell phone from her hand.


19:03 I'm sorry, I haven't forgotten about our meeting. I'm on my way. However, I may be late. Once again, I'm sorry, Judith :(

Great, I knew it would be like that. Knowing him, he'll probably set me up. I'll wait for hours and he won't even leave the house. Or he will, but only come out to the club surrounded by a group of women in scanty clothes. Not that I'm not dressed like that now, but it's different. Slightly saddened by the fact that my big plan begins to slowly go away, I turned off the screen and put the phone on the cabinet next to the bed. I adjusted the bottom of the dress and lay down on the bed next to Rosie. Brunette put the phone next to her and put a bowl of popcorn between our bodies. Without thinking, I grabbed a handful of food and put it in my mouth.

- What's wrong with the pop star? - She asked looking at me.

- He'll be late, so knowing him, he probably won't come. - I sighed, looking blankly at the ceiling. I could feel it. How the hell could I ever date Bradley Simpson? It has always been impossible. I could have foreseen it. However, I will not give up so easily. I have to fulfill my destiny. I have to destroy this asshole. I won't give up so easily. He have to cry and he would cry. Once I leave him in love with me I can leave this world peacefully.

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