Chapter 10

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- Good morning darling.

- Shut up if you have nothing important to say. - I interrupted the upcoming conversation with Brad by getting into his black Jaguar. The boy laughed at my words and rolled his eyes.

- Wow, someone here really isn't a morning person. Especially for someone who got up at six o'clock in the morning to take her to work. - I looked at him, pissed off by his mere presence and good sense of humor in the morning. Where I wanted to kill everyone. I couldn't sleep last night so I felt like a wreck when I got up today. Not to mention, I still feels like that. Who sets office hours to eight am? The preparation itself and the journey takes so long. You should get extra money for it. I am not sacrificing myself for nothing. I want something in return. And this time is precious. What if I died today? I wasted two hours getting ready for a job that I might never have made it to. Does it make sense? No. I looked at the brunet with the most fake smile on my lips.

- Oh yes. I'm sorry. Thank you love, for getting your holy ass up at six o'clock in the morning to drive your queen to work. - I used up my all energy for today to do this sweet voice and get closer to the dangerous place with my lips that is called a cheek. I touched it lightly as an apology kiss. I felt Brad's lips tip upwards and his cheeks turn a little pink. Tell again that women are that shy. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Bradley Will Simpson. A boy who faints after seeing girl breasts at age twenty-four. I returned to my seat and, disinterested in the Simpson installment, I took off my high heels and placed my feets on the dashboard.

- Because I like you and in the presence of sense, you apologized in a roundabout way. I will forgive you, also that you shouldn't keep your feets on dashboard. - I huffed at him and settled back into the seat, intending to sleep on my way to work. Brad, like Brad, always has a different intent on me and the way we spend time together. He want to be active and open to all possibilities in the world. Where I prefer to wrap myself in a blanket, lay in bed and watch Game of Thrones for the rest of my miserable life. Of course, the Simpson option was probably picked by most of you only because he's cute. Obviously, handsome people always have facilities and relief. An example can be my high school. I'm so proud of myself that I stood up to him. Maybe he doesn't know it yet, but he will soon find out. When I break his heart. Just look at him. He is proud to sit behind the wheel of his new car, which knowing half of Britan, cannot afford evan a half of this car. Exactly, here is Bradley Will Simpson in his own form. Returning to the reality of the miserable realities of the world. Brunet, turned off the radio and cleared his throat loudly to get attention. - So what's up with Rosie's car? - He asked, looking away from the road for a moment.

- It's seven am and you wanna talk about cars? - I didn't have the strength to talk to Brad. Actually, I didn't have the strength to talk to anyone. All I dreamed about was sleeping. And this dick wanted to destroy my day schedule. Every time I ride with Rosie in the morning, I sleep during the ride. She can sing, play, write or break the rules. As long as she don't wake me up. Now that we're talking about Rosalind Wilson, I think we all knew about our fight last yesterday. As you probably know, it didn't look very good. On the contrary, we argued quite strongly. We didn't talk to each other for entire day. We didn't even have a chance. Brad somehow got out from me what happened. And the tall blonde, who turned out to be named Tristan, threw up to us the idea of moment of breath from each other. Surprisingly, Ro agreed. She got off with Tristan at Brad's and blonde's block of flats where she spent the night. Simpson refused to leave me alone that day so he came upstairs to my flat with me and slept in Rosie's room that night. Which was a facilitation. I can't imagine myself and Brad in bed together. Moreover, If I can't imagine us in our clothes, than what if something happened between us? What if he was counting on it then? To finally get to my pants. By hand or penis. I will never do that with him. Despite the curiosity what is under his shirts. Don't judge me, I'm a woman. A woman who has not had sex in a long time. And I don't want to end up like Rosie. I don't want to use a vibrator to satisfy my needs. Just try a little harder and your vibrator can turn into tongue or fingers. Especially long, perfectly suited to exact places where I need it. Out of the corner of my eye, my eyes fell on Brad's hand holding the gearshift pulley. Brad has fingers like that. But what am I talking about?! Where did this come from?! How could I have thought of the fingers of one whose name must not be spoken playing with my vagina?! It's forbidden! Never do that again Judith! Do not even think about it! Don't think about those long fingers deep inside of you. Pressing perfectly on your g-point. Enough! I shifted uncomfortably in my chair, huge blush appeared on my cheeks at my dirty thoughts with the guy sitting next to me. Literally. What I am doing? The dark haired boy must have noticed my behavior change and put his hand on my thigh to give me a sense of security or something. I don't know what he meant, but I know one thing. It didn't work as it should. My heart sped up a little and my lower body felt more urgent to touch Brad's fingers. I swallowed the lump in my throat and straightened up, throwing off Simpson's hand from my thigh. - Yes, it isn't that good, so we will have to look for a new car. - I cleared my throat and stared looking at the passing buildings outside the window. The brown-eyed man just laughed and put his left hand in such a place that his smallest finger was still gently rubbing against the fabric of my pants. Shit!

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