Chapter 2

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The krew fell out on to what seemed like a pavement. They only realized when the got up that they were in a whole different dimension, the human dimension.

(Funneh POV)
I looked around in confused, it look a second to process what was going on. That when I looked down and I was wearing a completely different outfit and all of us were actually and our hair was a jet black we almost looked identical, we looked around ya and realized we're in the human world. "Okay, Okay" Lunar said running her fingers through her hair. "I've read about the human world, humans our age go to school so, we sign up for school I guess?" She spoke. "Ooh! And people here have normal names so we'll use our legal names!" Rainbow chimed in, so off we were to the nearest high school or what looked the closest to a high school, they walked in through the door were stood many parents, students, and staff. A plump red haired lady approached us. "Hello and welcome to Yandere High! How many help you?" She cheered "Oh, Hello there! I'm Rain- Er Betty La and these are my siblings, Kim, Kathrine, Allen, and Wenny." She told the lady. "Oh! You guys must be the foreign exchange students from Canada! Welcome to the U.S" she smiled. After a few moments of chit chat she gave us our dorm number and key along with a letter from out supposed 'parents' and just like that we are foreign exchange students at Y.H.S.

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