Chapter 5

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-3rd Person PoV-
Little conversations took place between Alec and Funneh for the rest of the week. With a bit teasing from Felicia and her mindless minion, but it was nothing to really tick Funneh off, until it did Funneh was walking home to with her siblings, Alec, another figure not far behind. Until Felicia cut them off, "Hey ironing board, and uh.. friends" she said . "Siblings" Lunar corrected glaring daggers at her. "Ha, no wonder you all look like exact cones of one another!" Brittney laughed, "Yeah, okay well we need to get to our dorm so if you and dunce head would move along that'd be fine." Funnel growled.

At this point more than few eyes were on them, "You think you can talk to me like that?! Do you know who I am!?" She yelled catching the attention of most of the students around the area "As far as I can tell is that I'm talking to a bitch who got her daddy to give pay implants." Funneh hissed. Felicia was stunned for a moment, no one ever talked to her like that, she had no words to express her anger.


So she let her hands do the talking.

Funneh attempted to lunge at her but someone held her back "It isn't worth it Kathrine." Alec said holding back a struggling Funneh, eventually she calmed down, and leaned her back to se Alec's face
"Screw you" she cursed before he let her go. She glared at Felicia, before purposefully bumping into her "Watch you back plastic." She whispered waking off.

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