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Once the girls got through the queue and into the club, they were squished in between people immediately.

All holding hands, Emily, Jasmine, and Jessica made their way to the bar. Moving through the large crowds of people, the chain of girls eventually got there, cramming their way up to the wood bar to order.

"I'll have a vodka and coke," Jasmine said to the bartender.

"What do you guys want?" She turned around to the others.

"Just get my usual," Jessica answered.

"Emily?" Jasmine questioned.

Emily simply said 2 words:

"Designated driver."

Jasmine usually would try harder to get Emily to have a drink regardless of her status as the mom of the group but, she decided not to because of how grumpy Emily seemed to be throughout the day.

Jasmine got the drinks and told the bartender to put them on her tab. Jess and Jaz sipped on their drinks as they looked around for the men they would try to get to dance with them.

"Oh, he is really hot," Jessica said pointing out a guy in the crowd for the other two girls.

He was tall, had dark brown hair that was gelled up on top of his head. He had slightly tanned skin and had decent muscle definition. He had a white t-shirt on and black jeans. His sunglasses hung on the neckline of his t-shirt.

"I think you should go for it," Jasmine confirmed.

"It looks like he has a friend too." Jessica nudged Jaz as she made her observation.

The friend had shaggy blonde hair that sat across his forehead. He was slightly shorter than the man Jess had her eyes on. He was skinny and wore all-black clothing.

"Let's go for it." Jasmine made the initiative to take action.

The girls started their short journey over to the men who stood chatting. Emily quickly followed, not wanting to lose them.

At this point, Emily had already had enough. The loud music that was causing a massive headache in her cranium was not ideal. The massive amounts of people constantly surrounding her, made Emily's skin crawl. The hot air that made the atmosphere slightly damp disgusted Emily. The thought of everyone's hot breath making the air wet had no appeal to Emily whatsoever.

As she followed the girls, people bumped into her several times. When she got there, the girls were already chatting up the boys, reeling them into their traps.

"Oh guys, this is our friend Emily," Jasmine said pulling Emily closer to her by the arm when she could reach her.

"Hi," Emily muttered as she gave a small wave.

"Hey, I'm Gavin." The tall one with brown hair greeted her, a strong London accent coming through.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" The blonde one asked a posh accent that Emily couldn't quite put her finger on lacing his voice.

He seemed a bit odd, throwing Emily for a loop. She had a weird feeling about him.

"Umh, I don't know," Emily grumbled as Jasmine gave her a dirty look.

Emily shot her an ' I have no idea what he is talking about' glance.

"You look familiar." He continued.

"I mean all white girls with brown hair look the same." Jessica joked, causing a few chuckles.

"Mate, she looks like Les's friend," Gavin observed.

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