Claimed by Dragon - Enderlox/TrueMu

219 6 3

This is a request

Yeah Ik that I'm in hiatus but I still wanted to post this request so yeah

Also sorry if its really long, at first I was going to stop where its about to lead to smut until I remembered something, 'did they asked for smut?' since most of the time I don't ask if they want smut or not, relying on them to tell me while requesting it and since I really don't know, I just decided to add it (its mostly a last minute thing since it wasn't as well written as the plot but oh well) so yeah

If anyone didn't want to read the smut (since I know there's a few) I'll leave a warning where it starts as well as where to skip it so yeah

Anyways and also I added the soulmate AU in this

Warning: Smut



"Okay....I got everything I need" Jason mumbles to himself after triple checking of everything he needed before placing the backpack on his back and walked out of his house, locking the door behind him.

Since the portal to the End was recently opened, Jason decided to take a chance of exploring a whole new world and hopefully create a map. He also made a note to notify one of his friends that came by where he'll be heading to, so Jason wasn't too worried.

Luckily he has the pathway to the Stronghold memorized so it didn't take too long until he made it to the staircase that led downwards which was lit up with torches. Once he made it to the end of the staircase, Jason placed his hand on the handle of his sword as he was walking through the hallway since even though it was well lite, there still a small chance that a random mob will appear as he was making his way towards his destination. Luckily no mobs had spawned once he made it to the main room and walked up the stairs before standing on the edge of the portal to the End. As he was staring in, Jason suddenly felt nervous for a moment but quickly pushed that feeling away before stepping forward, entering the portal.

There was a flash of color for a few seconds before his vision finally snapped into focus as his feet hit solid ground, signalling Jason that he arrived in the End. Slightly shaking his head a bit while rubbing the side of his head, Jason soon pushed down the dizzy feeling and looked at his surrounding.  He was the fifth person to actually ender the End so he wasn't too surprised to see a bridge already made that connected the platform he was standing up to the main island with tall obsidian towers and surprisingly a few endermen. He figured that his friends must have taken the enderdragon out since he didn't see or hear the loud roars.

So Jason made his way across the bridge, onto the main island while avoiding eye contact with the endermen nearby before stopping and soon kneel down while removing his backpack and placed it down to grab the things he needed. Once getting what he needed, Jason moved to his feet while placing the backpack back on and start to walk towards the other side of the main island while lightly running his fingers along the smooth surface of the ender pearl.

Once at the edge, Jason took a peak and glance over the edge of the island, staring down at the dark purple void and felt a wave of nervousness at the sight for a few moments before he pushed it down and looked away and towards the other island at the distance. Jason figured that it would be a bit easier to use the ender pearl instead of his jet pack since he doesn't know if there would be any side effects in using it while being in the End and didn't want to risk it.

Taking a deep breath, Jason soon raised his arm that held the pearl, about to throw it towards the direction of the other island but quickly stopped when he faintly heard the sound of wings flapping which caused him to turn around while looking up at the purple sky. 'What was that?' he thought as he was looking around, trying to find out what made that noise for a few minutes. Finding nothing, Jason was about to turn back around when he heard the same sound but louder behind him but before he could turn around to see what it was, he felt a gentle probe against the back of his head and before he could react, he was knocked out.

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