Chapter 1: The Mandalorians

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    It was an icy planet. A man and a woman entered a bar, where a fish looking blue mythrol was being harassed by a group of gangsters.

 A man and a woman entered a bar, where a fish looking blue mythrol was being harassed by a group of gangsters

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Mando    "Wonder how much this guy's gills will make on the black market?" One of the gangsters asked another gangster

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    "Wonder how much this guy's gills will make on the black market?" One of the gangsters asked another gangster.
    "Please, I have money, I'll willingly pay you." The Mythrol pleaded, but the gangsters attention went to the two armored Newcomers at the cantina bar.
    "You took my spot." The third gangster said to the male armored being.
    "He says to took his spot." The bartender translates. The bartender then begins to make the gangster another drink, but the gangsters were focused on the armored newcomers.
    "Damn, is that actual Beskar Steel?" A gangster asked, looking at the woman's white and purple colored helmet. (Similar Armor design to the picture above, except for  less chinks in the armor, along with more armor on arms, and doesn't have a red braid on her shoulder. Color design is the exact same) As the gangster began to reach for the beskar helmet. He felt a sharp pain in his chest. He looked down to see and armored hand had stabbed a vibroblade into his gut. He looked up to see the armored woman facing him, before pulling out a blaster pistol and ending his life.

    As the first gangster fell dead, the male Mandalorian grabbed a nearby drink and smashed it into a gangster's face, while the other tried to leave, but was shot in the knee and pulled towards the door as it closed, bisecting him. With the assholes dead, the two mandalorians holstered their blasters and approached the Mythrol.
    "You have my thanks, here, take this, it should help you be on your way." The Mythrol said. The female Mandalorian just tossed a bounty puck onto the table, where a hologram of the Mythrol's face appeared.
    "Oh, your here about that, listen I can pay, just-" The Mythrol began.
    "We can bring you in warm, or we can bring you in cold." Mando interrupted, his hand on his blaster pistol. The mythrol gulped before complying.

    The two mandos and their quarry approached a ferryman in order to get to their ship. The ferryman called a new speeder.....piloted by a droid.
    "No droid." Mando says.
    "I assure you this is the newest model of Speeder." The ferryman explained.
    "I don't care about the model, just no droids." Mando replied. The ferryman complied and called an older speeder with a human driver.

    As the speeder approached the ships, the mythrol noticed that the female Mando was holding a blaster he had heard about when he was a boy.
    "Is that a WESTAR-M5?" He asked the woman. She simply grunted. The rest of the trip was silent as the speeder arrived at a pre-empire gunship, a Razor's Crest.
    "Stay safe." The driver said before driving off....and getting eaten by a ravinak.
    "Jesus! Open the hatch hurry!" The Mythrol exclaimed. The female Mando with the clone wars-era blaster turned to glare at the bounty when she saw the Ravinak dive under the ice. She quickly grabbed the mythrol and pulled him aboard as soon as the hatch opened. Mando had already boarded and had taken off by the time the Ravinak had re-emerged.
    "Dank Farrik that was close!" The Mythrol exclaimed before the female mando escorted him into the cargo bay, where he saw other bounties frozen in carbonite. He turned to the female mando, when she shoved him into an unoccupied carbonite container, freezing him in the stuff. Satisfied, she returned to the cockpit.
    "Bounty's in Carbonite, dad." Female mando reported.
    "Thanks Vibro." Mando replied as she sat down and began cleaning her vibroblade. Her armor had been damaged by a Reek during the previous bounty hunt. She had single handly killed it with her vibroblade and her wits. Mando shook off the memory before putting the ship into hyperspace, heading to Nevarro.

    As The Razor's Crest arrived at Nevarro, both Mando and Vibro stepped off the ship to receive their payment from the head of the guild, former magistrate Karga.
    "Mando!" Welcome back my friend." Karga greeted the two. Vibro smiled under her helmet. Her father and her were his best bounty hunters in the system.
    "Vibro! What happened to your armor?" Karga asked, noticing the extent of damage to her armor.
    "One of the bounties led me into a reek's den. Damaged the integrity of my armor before I killed it." Vibro explains.
    "Singlehandedly?" Karga asks. Vibro nodded.
    "Got any jobs for us?" Mando asks.
    "Yes, actually, an old fashioned bounty, the client wants to meet you face to face, and is paying with Beskar." Karga replied. At the mention of Beskar Steel, Vibro and Mando's interests were peaked.
    "We're in." Mando said. Karga nodded before giving them a codex.

    As the two arrived at the safehouse, they were scanned by a eye bot, before the door opened and they met two imperial stormtroopers.
    "This way." One of the troopers said. The two mandalorians followed the two into the main room, meeting with a man wearing some imperial garb with no insignia.
    "You two must be the mandalorians Karga spoke about. I hope you are worth this." The Client said before a doctor in imperial uniform stepped out. The two mandalorians immediately drew their blasters and aimed them at the imperial doctor, while the stormtroopers aimed their weapons at the bounty hunters.
    "Please, this is doctor Pershing. please excuse his lack of secrecy." The Client said while ordering his stormtroopers to Lower their blasters. Reluctantly the mandos did the same.
    "The target is an unknown, mostly. 50 years old, location unknown. You will be paid completely-" The Client began.
    "double the bounty for the two of us. We both get the full reward." Vibro interrupted. The Client nodded before signalling a Stormtrooper, who left the room.
    "When the target is brought in alive, dead being acceptable for 75% less payment." The Client finished. The two mandalorians agreed to the term and were about to leave when The Client pulled out two bars of Beskar Steel.
    "Down payment that you'll get the job down." The Client explained. Mando took the bars and nodded, then followed Vibro out of the safehouse.

    As the two entered the Mandalorian Covert, they headed to the armorer to hand her the two bars of Beskar.
    "These were lost during the Purge, It is good that they have returned." The Armorer said.
    "Yes, it is." Mando replied. The Armorer noticed the damage on Vibro's armor.
    "What caused this damage?" She asked.
    "A Reek." Vibro explained.
    "Then that will be you signet." The Armorer said.
    "I can create two pauldrons and a signet with this." She continued.
    "Reserve the rest for the foundlings." Mando said.
    "This is the way." The Armorer said
    "This is the Way." Mando and Vibro echoed. The Armorer began creating pauldrons for the two, as well as a Reek signet for Vibro.

Arvala-7, Outer Rim
    As the duo emerged from the Razor's Crest They were attacked by a group of Blurgs, they were assisted by an Ugnaught, Kullil. Kullil lead them back to his home.

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