Chapter 3: The Mudhorn

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    As the Mandalorians walked the trek back to their ship with the pod, Vibro kept her optics down to keep an eye out for ambushes. As they entered a ravine, Vibro noticed some shifting above them and drew her blaster, but before she could Un-holster it, a group of Trandoshans jumped from the cliffs and attempted to kill the mandalorians. Vibro managed to unsheathe her vibroblade and went close quarter with three of the Trandoshans, quickly killing two while Mando held off the others. The final Trandoshans attempted to kill the child, but was struck down by a blaster bolt to the back of the head from Vibro's Vambrace. She looked over at her father to see that he had efficiently taken care of the other Trandoshans.

    As they arrived at the Ugnaught's home, he waited out side to greet them.
    "So this is what caused some much trouble? So young." The Ugnaught observed.
    "You have our thanks. Till we meet again." Mando said, before the two mandalorians left with the child.

    When they arrived at their ship, they noticed that Jawas had attempted to scrap it, only managing to steal the hyperdrive. With annoyance, they turned around to see the Ugnaught approaching on a Blurrg.
    "Jawas?" He asked.
    "Jawas." Mando replied exasperated.
    "They stole out hyperdrive from our ship, I don't know how." Vibro explained. The Ugnaught nodded.
    "follow me, we will negotiate with the scavengers for your hyperdrive." He said, the two Mandalorian bounty hunters following.

Later, Arvala-7, Mudhorn cave
    "I hate this idea." Mando muttered as he entered a cave, looking for some egg the Jawas worshiped. As he walked in, he noticed bones and old blasters on the ground, before hearing something directly in front of him. Turning on his helmet light, it revealed.......a mudhorn. As quick as the light had turned on, the mudhorn slammed his horn into Mando's armor, launching him out of the mudhorn cave. As Mando landed, he realized the mudhorn had managed to compromise his armor. As the mudhorn emerged and prepared to charge mando, its attention was drawn to the source of a salvo of blaster bolts coming from Vibro's blasters. As the Mudhorn charged Vibro, she managed to dodge out of the way and pull out her vibroblade.
    "Vibro, get out of here, I got this!" Mando ordered as he got to his feet and activated his flamethrower feature on his vambrace, trying to catch the mudhorn on fire. The mudhorn simply turned back towards Mando and charged. Mando tried using his grappling hook to garrote the mudhorn, but gave up after the mudhorn bucked him off. Mando reluctantly pulled out his vibroblade when the mudhorn charged, when suddenly the mudhorn lifted off the ground, allowing Mando to kill it with being killed. The Mandalorian looked over at the two other present, noticing that the child had its arms raised, before it lowered them, and the mudhorn's body dropped to the ground. Pushing on, Mando re-entered the mudhorn cave, retrieved the egg, and headed back to the Jawas with Vibro, the child, and the egg. Mando then had to witness the Jawas eating the egg in front of him before Mando, Vibro, the child and the Ugnaught headed back to the Razor's Crest.

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