Chapter 2: The Child

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"Thanks for the save." Vibro thanked the Ugnaught.
"You two are bounty hunters, yes? He asked. The two mandalorians looked at each other.
"Yes, we are." Mando replied.
"Then I will help you." The Ugnaught said.
"Many have passed through here, they all have died." He continued.
"Did you help them?" Mando asked.
"Yes." The Ugnaught replied.
"What are you asking for in return?" Vibro asked.
"Half." He replied.
"Half of the bounty? That seems steep." Mando protested.
"No. Half of the Blurrgs you helped capture." The Ugnaught explained.
"You can take them all." Mando replied.
"No, you will need some. The path can only be traveled by Blurrg mounts." The Ugnaught explained. The two mandalorians looked at each other before reaching an agreement.
"Deal." Mando said."

Later, Nikto Militia compound
The two Mandalorians looked over the compound while deciding a plan of action.
"Vibro, you think you can use your blaster carbine to force some of the Nikto into....." Mando began before noticing an IG unit approaching the compound.
"kill it?" Vibro asked, her blaster aimed at the bounty hunter droid.
"No, I got a better idea." Mando said before the two approached the compound after the IG unit killed the guards.
"IG unit!" Mando called over to the bounty hunter as he stepped out of cover. Immediately the IG unit turned and fired a bolt at Mando, which luckily caught him in the shoulder.
"Watch it clanker!" Vibro snarled, her WESTAR blaster carbine aimed at the IG Unit.
"We're with the guild!" Mando growled as he got back to his feet.
"My apologies, I was unaware that there were others also here for the same bounty." The IG unit apologized, before blaster fire hit the pillar next to Vibro. The female Mandalorian looked over at the source and flipped down her optics.
"We got Nikto inbound, tons of them!" Vibro warned.
"IG unit, let's work together and split the reward. You take credit for the bounty, we'll cover you." Mando suggested.
"Plan acceptable." The IG unit agreed before turning towards the Nikto pirate militia and opening fire with its blasters, just as Nikto guards emerged from the building opening fire on the bounty hunters. Vibro turned to the guards and let loose a salvo of blaster fire from her WESTAR-M5, killing two of the guards and wounding a third as the trio headed towards the farthest building. The three took cover behind the pillars just as the Nikto began setting up a heavy repeating blaster cannon.
"That's the older model for an E-web!" Vibro identified the blaster cannon immediately as an older model E-Web, used by the Grand Army of the Republic in the Clone War. The E-web's gunner immediately fired a salvo of blaster fire at the pinned bounty hunters' position.
"It appears we are pinned. I cannot be captured, I must Self-destruct." IG-11 stated.
"No! We're all getting out of here! Vibro, do you have a line of sight on the gunner?" Mando asked his daughter. Vibro looked around the corner of her cover, noticing the Nikto gunner had his fire trained on Mando and IG-11.
"Yeah, I got a line of sight!" Vibro replied. The female Mandalorian took aim at the E-web's gunner and fired a single blaster bolt, killing the gunner and stopping the E-web's barrage.
"IG, cover me!" Mando said, making a break for the E-web.
"Acknowledged." IG-11 replied, leaving cover as well to lay suppressing fire on the Nikto. The Nikto managed to knock down IG-11, but allowed Mando to reach the E-web and tear the Nikto militia apart, leaving no survivors. Vibro stepped out of cover as IG-11 stood up.
"I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that the asset is in there." Vibro guessed, pointing at the building which was covered in blaster burns from the E-web.
"Only one way to find out." Mando replied, taking the E-web and firing at the door, blasting it off the doorway.

As the three bounty hunters entered, a single Nikto managed to draw his blaster and fire at Vibro, hitting her in the leg. The attacker was immediately killed by blaster fire from the other two bounty hunters.
"I am detecting a life form there." IG-11 said, pointing at an egg-shaped pod. The three bounty hunters approached the pod, before mando pressed a button on the pod, opening it to reveal a child.
"Wait, the asset is supposed to be 50 years old." Mando protested.
"Age differentiates between species. This species could possibly live for centuries. Sadly, we will never know." IG-11 stated, aiming his blaster at the child, before a blaster bolt connected with IG-11's CPU, killing it. Vibro holstered her blaster pistol as the child reached towards it new guardians.

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