Chapter 4: The Sin

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As The Razor's Crest approached Nevarro, they received a transmission from Karga.
"Well done retrieving the asset Mando, and Vibro, when you arrive, take the asset directly to The Client, he's anxious to get his hands on the asset." Karga informed. Mando nodded and began descending for Nevarro, before noticing Vibro watch a New Republic transmission calling for the capture of New Republic Shock trooper Deserter Cara Dune of Alderaan.
"Your next job?" Mando asked.
"Yeah, I've already got a ship." Vibro replied. Mando raised an eyebrow behind his helmet at this.
"Clone War-Era Y-Wing bomber, heavily modified for bounty hunting. I'll be taking this job after we collect the Beskar reward." Vibro explained. Mando nodded as the ship landed and the two mandalorians stepped out with the asset, heading towards The Client's safehouse.
    As the two Mandalorians arrived at the safehouse, a droid pooped out of the wall to scan the chit card Mando had been given. After scanning the Chit card, the droid opened the door for the Mandalorians to be escorted to The Client by stormtroopers. As the group arrived, The Client pulled out a fob and approached the child, to which the fob began to beep faster. The Client nodded to the doctor, who came foreword to check the child's health. After the medical scan was complete, Dr. Pershing turned to The Client.
    "He's in perfect health." He said.
    "We done, bounty hunters, as promised." The Client said, pulling out two cases full of Beskar Steel.
    "What'll happen to the child?" Mando asked. The Client frowned, and Mando knew he crossed a line.
    "On second thought, never mind." Mando quickly corrected himself and left with Vibro, heading to the Mandalorian covert.

    As they arrived, many of the mandalorians eyes went to the containers held by Mando and Vibro as the two entered the armory. As the two sat down and put in the codes to open the containers, the Armorer's eyes went wide behind her helmet
    "It is good that this has been returned to the tribe. I can forge many full Cuirasses with this amount of Beskar.
    "Anara and I require new armor, our armors' integrity has been compromised. Save the rest for the foundlings." Mando requests. The larger of the Mandalorians present picked up one of the bars of Beskar, noticing it had the stamp of the Imperial smelters on it.
    "This was cast in an imperial smelter, stolen during the Great Purge. This is the reason we live as sand rats." He announced, tossing the bar back down.
    "This one works with the very same empire that smelted this beskar. He's no better than an imperial hound dog." The large Mandalorian continued. At this Mando lept up and threw a punch at the Large warrior before both pulled out vibroblades and put the up against one another's throats before hearing blasters pulled out and aimed at them both. They both turned their heads to see Vibro aiming her blaster pistols at the two.
    "Lower the knives." Vibro ordered. The two did so reluctantly and Vibro holstered her blasters.
    "We stay hidden to survive. You, have you ever removed your helmet in the presence of any other living thing, excluding your kin?" The Armorer asked.
    "Never." Mando replied. The Armorer looked among the assembled Mandalorians.
    "This is the Way." She said.
    "This is the Way." The crowd echoed.
    "This is the Way." Mando and Vibro echoed.
    "What caused this damage?" The Armorer asked, sitting down.
    "A Mudhorn." Mando replied.
    "Then that will be your signet." The Armorer said.
    "I cannot accept. It was not a honorable kill." Mando protested.
    "I was aided by an enemy." Mando explained.
    "Why would an enemy aid you?" The Armorer asked.
    "It did not know it was my enemy." Mando replied.
    "Very well, since you forgo a signet, I will use some of the excess to craft whistling birds." The Armorer said.
    "Reserve some for the foundlings." Mando requested.
    "This is the way." The Armorer announced.
    "This is the way." The Mandalorians present, including Vibro, echoed.
    "This is the way." Mando repeated. The Armorer turned to Vibro.
    "Have you been trained in the art of Rising Phoenix?" She asked.
    "Yes." Vibro answered.
    "Very good, you have earned this, Mandalorian." The Armorer stated, walking over to a case and taking out a Z-6 Jet pack.
    The Armorer then proceeds to forge new Cuirasses for the two Mandalorians and Whistling birds for Mando.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 ⏰

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