the beginning - chap 1

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I waved goodbye after cheer practice was over. My bestfriend Liya asked for help on her tumbling so obviously as captain I helped her get them cleaner.

'Thankyou so much Kaori! see you later' she waved and hopped into her car. You checked your cell to see if Kiyoko had finished with practice but she hadn't so you headed over to the gym. There were bright lights shining everywhere whilst the group practiced intensely. My sister waved at me and beckoned me to come and set for these guys. Since Kiyoko was a little shy I didn't expect her to introduce me but she did surprisingly.

"Guys I'd like you to meet my little sister Kaori" she said confidently. They looked me up and down and were shocked. Me and Kiyoko are siblings but she went completely on dad whilst I'm a copy of my mother. Tanned, light hazel eyes and dark brown curly hair which was really long. The only thing we had in common was our beauty spot on our left cheek. I hugged Suga, Daichi and Asahi as I knew them already but everyone else just stared at me. This little ginger soon bursted out and introduced himself 'Hi I'm Hinata and I'm in your year!' I didn't recognise him so I pretended to, to not make him embarassed.

'Oh yeah your in my English class aren't you' I said with a smile begging for him to actually be in my class. He nodded enthusiastically. Phew. These two boys looked at me intensely, 'Take a picture it'll last longer' I said whilst I gave them a quick wink. They looked flustered whilst everyone laughed at them. You know it was cliché but it's funny getting them all worked up.

'Your the golden girl aren't you, we may aswell start calling you queen' some tall salty blonde said. My nickname was queen occasionally but only on the court, it wasn't offensive in anyway as it was the good type so I just nodded my head in agreement not letting him phase me. Salty-ass french fry.

'Kageyama' the ravenette said his hand out. He seemed extremely formal but I complied.

The skinhead and short one couldn't contain it any longer in unison they said 'SHE'S AS PRETTY AS KIYOKO OH MY GOD WE HAVE ANOTHER YEAR WITH HER' I laughed at that comment whilst the Coach reminded them it was practice. When he looked at me he recognised me from middle school. I received the award of best wing spiker in the prefecture and I hoped to retain my position for as long as I could. 'Hey your the crazy good new girl who's already captain of the volleyball and cheer team right?' He said as he scraped his blonde hair back with his headband.

'That's me!' I said with a big grin. 'If you ever need a cheerleader to come up with a chant for you and a routine you know who to call'. Soon they started practicing spiking and the salty blonde who I now learnt was Tsukki wanted to see how good 'the golden girls really is. The nickname came from my fan club after they said I was 'perfect'. Don't get me wrong the support is great it just leaves a lot of girls in volleyball including other teams not liking me very much. First Kageyama set to Hinata and they did a pretty cool quick attack. I looked in awe and said 'Can I try it?' Tsukki laughed whilst he looked shocked. Kageyama thought to himself 'Let's see how good she really is'

He set it quickly but I got there in time slamming the ball down with immense power. I'll ask our setter if we can try that in our next game. 'Awesome!' I said reaching out for a high-five with him. He seemed awkward but accepted it. The salty fry finally realised you weren't just all talk and scoffed to himself. Boy did there's one thing I love more than volleyball it's proving people wrong.

Daichi soon approached me at the end of practice and asked me 'Are you going to be the new manager after us third years leave?' I paused. I'd never really thought about it and I'm not sure if I'd have the time. I did get on with the team really well so maybe I will.

I replied with a simple 'maybe' whilst Takeda approached me. 'You can be our assistant manager if you want until Kiyoko leaves and hopefully you can be our full time one then!' He said with an awry smile. I agreed how bad could it be? I exchanged my number with all the eager boys and waved goodbye as me and Kiyoko started walking home.

Just before I set off Kageyama came up to me and said 'We have a practice match against Nekoma tomorrow you should come and get used to the whole managing thing'

'Of course see you there!' I said cheerfully whilst his face blushed. Cute. My sister soon came up to me and said 'Oo has somebody taken a liking to the brooding Kageyama?'

I laughed and replied simply with 'He is cute I'll admit... but what about you and Tanaka? I finally got to meet the guy you talked about so much!' My sister got flustered at the mention of the name and I knew my suspicions were right. I'll try set them up.

I woke my sister up whilst I got changed into the old tracksuit Kiyoko lent me. I made some toast for her whilst I got my shoes on and we headed off on our walk to the school on the breezy Saturday morning. Tanaka and Noya greeted me with a bro hug and told me all about the team they were going against for a practice match. Nekoma High. I took a seat next to my sister on the bus and listened to what felt like forever of constant arguments between the first year duo. They really are like bestfriends buy with the constant insults and the occasional shade from Tsukki. The green haired boy hadn't talked to me yet but I learnt his name was Yamaguchi. He seemed timid and I didn't want to scare him so I'll let him talk to me so he feels comfortable.

As I unloaded the bags and got off the bus I saw Nekoma high outside their gym waiting to greet Karasuno. A tall guy with jet black hair walked over to Captain Daichi so I guess he was the captain. He inspected the team as always looking for a change when he spotted you. Time stopped for a second as he looked you in the eyes. He then played it off with a sly wink and smirk and led the team inside. I caught up to Suga and asked him who he was 'Oh that's Kuroo, they like to call him the scheming captain and he's insane at defence and an expert at blocking' he said sweetly. Butterflies entered my stomach as I remember what happend a few seconds ago. Suga whispered to me 'Do you have a little crush on Nekoma's captain he said mischievously. I smacked the back of his head denying the fact completely.

We walked inside whilst the two coaches greeted each-other. I'd heard about Coach Ukai and Coach Nekomata's rivalry and all about the dumpster showdown. It seemed pretty intense. Whilst the team warmed up I headed to the bathroom and had a fateful encounter than none other than Kuroo. I slipped on the freshly cleaned floor and accidentally bumped into his chest. 'Oh I'm sorry' I said about to get back to the hall when he laughed.

'Kuroo. Tetsuro Kuroo' he said his hand out

'Kaori Shimizu' I replied confidently shaking his hand.

'Ah your the little sister of Karasuno's pretty manager' he said with a grin

'You can definitely say that!' I replied with a laugh

'No one told me her little sister was gorgeous though' he whispered in my ear causing me to blush. He laughed and gave me his number.

'I apologise in advance when my team beats yours' he said cheekily

Overconfident much 'Bet' I said

'Fine if we win you have to go on a date with me , if you do I'll do whatever you want for a day' before I could say something he headed back to the gym styling his messy hair. I headed back in and waited for the match to start. Suga approached me once again, I hope he wouldn't bring up the Kuroo thing considering what just happened. 'Nice going you already for his number and it hasn't even been half an hour' he smiled like a proud mama bear looking at her kids growing up. He stifled a laugh whilst I hit him again.

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