tag-along - chap 3

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Me and and Kuroo headed out of the school quickly trying to avoid the fanboys. He lead me to a pretty fair with a clear crisp view of the ocean. It reminded me of swimming season which was nearing soon. I couldn't wait to compete again!

'Look Kaori, it's a couple maze!' He said as he grabbed my hand and lead me to the line

'We have to 'fake' take down the other team and make it out first' he said eagerly

'This is seems fun but kinda scary' I said.

'We are definitely gonna win babe and don't you worry I will protect you until every last breath' Kuroo said dramatically

'This ain't Shakespeare skunky you can cool it with the acting' I said bursting out into laughter

'I was being serious' he said as he tapped my chin up and stared into my eyes with the moonlight illuminating our faces.

'Next group come' the ticket clerk said

Moment Over. Kuroo looked pissed though which was obviously worth it.

'There are no rules, you may have to get a bit violent though if you want to get out first'

Kuroo probably expected me to shit my pants right about now but no. I live for these haunted things and I guess those 10 years of boxing were worth it. I still go and train sometimes but I'm not competing anymore otherwise I'd be doing way too much

'Let's do this, babe' I said grabbing his hand and entering the maze

He followed my lead with a smirk as we figured the way

'Let's take a left' I suggested

'No right' Kuroo protested 'there's light over there'

I soon realised he was right, there was nothing too bad sort from the occasional parlour tricks. We then saw another couple about to go through the end and the original ticket clerk came inside.

'Either one of you surrender or fight' he said

What are we in a fantasy fanfic? So medieval smh. Anyway I rolled up my sleeves as we started prepping but then a ear piercing scream screeched through my ears.

I muttered to Kuroo 'I think I have head trauma now' as he laughed at me and used his jacket to cover my ears as he lead me outside.

Some kid had snuck inside and tripped over something Oops. After that rather interesting encounter we headed to the archery zone.

'Watch this!' He said confidently said almost scoring a bullseye.' He flipped his messy black hair and expected me to praise him. 'Try and beat that'

'Fine then but when you lose you owe me' I said with a smile on my face

'Okay but trust me it doesn't get much better than this' he winked

I grabbed the bow and shot the three targets all in a row getting bullseyes each time. I smirked whilst he looked defeated.

'Look I broke a record!' I said happily whilst he admired your childish antics smiling as he realised he was starting to fall for you.

'Come let's go get cotton candy!' I exclaimed taking his hand in mine as we ran to the cute stall. He simply smiled at you whilst your face lit up in happiness as the aroma of the sweet treat filled the air.

'Yes can I have a large one mixed with the pink and blue!' I said excitedly to the stall handler. Kuroo nuzzled his head onto my shoulder embracing me in a hug from behind. He was so cute. A quick flash stunned my eyes as what seemed like a college girl student snapped our photo.

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