tell me, (y/n)

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It's been a little over a year since you had known the infamous redhead and every day since, you two had been getting closer and closer, resulting in you guys being inseparable.

"A duo from hell." Everyone said. When you and Karma were together, huge pranks were pulled and no one could learn... except in the battlefield where you often found you and Karma neck to neck while everyone else was already out and had lost. Usually Karma won but you were okay with that. You pleased enough just to be able to train with him.

A hand on your shoulder snapped you out of your daze.

"Hey, (y/n), you okay?" He looked at you with concern in his eyes. Recently, you had been quite depressed because of bullies.

"Oh, hey Karma-kun. Yah I'm okay, just thinking." He sneered and stood up.

"I told you not to be so formal." He walked away and you jumped up to follow him. What did you do wrong, why is he acting so cold all of a sudden? You reached for his shouoder but in one swift move he had grabbed you arm, maneuvered you in front of him, and pinned you against a wall. He looked angry.

"Wh-why are you acting like this?" His face softened as you shed a single tear. He had never acted like this to you before and, quiet frankly, it hurt.

"Tell me, (y/n), what's really wrong?"

"I-I just.. the norm. Some jerks in the higher classes."

"I'm so sorry, (y/n), I just," he paused, looked down and locked his eyes with yours. "I hate seeing you sad. I especially hate that you lied to me about being okay. I swear on my life, I'm going to kill those kids who bully you. I don't care if they are in a higher class or not." He hugged you as you melted into his embrace, crying silently.

After a moment or two, he lifted your chin and put his face close to yours.

He smells like chocolate. You thought to yourself. You closed you eyes and felt his soft lips on yours. After a long kiss, he pulled away and said, "Take that as a compliment, (y/n). It won't be the last one." He winked and walked into the kitchen.

He's always such a damn flirt, you think to yourself. At least I feel better now.


About an hour later he walks onto the living room with two fresh bowls of ramen and.. two beers.

"How did you get beer, Karma? We are too young to buy that yet." I eyeball him.

"Uhh well, I convinced Koro-sensei with.. uh nevermind."

"Karma tell me or I'll kill you in your sleep." He looks nervously at me.

"I-I gave Koro-sensei one of you bras."

"YOU DID WHAT YOU FUCKING PERV!!!???" You screamed at him in a shrill voice. To which he replied by just setting down your beer in front of you.

"Okay I can't argue with beer, but NEVER do that again." He just grins, sets down his beer and ramen and hands you yours.

You turn on a horror movie and eat. Once you're done, you chill on the couch with Karma and fall asleep.

Karma's pov
Ok so I might have traded on of her bras for some alcohol but it was worth it.

Now I'm looking at her and shes asleep next to me on the couch so I pick her up and her to her room. Im glad we share doorms together.

Part 2 soon.
Thx for reading

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