Part 4

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Hey guys!! Just saying again, JKR owns all these characters, not us! Enjoy! 

Part Four

Beginning of Sixth Year

"Bye Mum, bye Dad!" I yell to my parents as I board the train.

"Prongs!" calls Remus, " We saved you a seat!"

"Ok coming Moony!" I yell after him.

*On the Hogwarts Express*

"OMG PROGSIEEEEEE I MISSED YOU" Padfoot screeches happily (as I jump into his arms)


*I see Evans walking into the train and I immediately jump out of Padfoot's arms to go say hi* (AKA stare at her)

I run my hand through my hair, deliberately making it messier and I make my way over to Evans.

"Hi Evans," I say flirtingly and I smirk. I lean out of the compartment, causing Evans, who is immersed in her book, to walk right into me.

"Oh sorry", she stammers as she takes a step back and blushes.

"No, it's ok!" I grin. "You know, you're cute when you're embarrassed." This causes Evans to blush even more. "I'm not embarrassed!" She yells! "Excuse me, I need to go find a seat."

"Aww come on! You can sit with us! Mary's already here" I say.

*Evans glances into the compartment to see Padfoot snickering and blushes more*

"I don't know..." she replies. "Come on, it'll be fun!" I reassure her. I take her hand and pull her inside, causing her to blush slightly again. She heads over to Mary and takes a seat.

"You know what, I changed my mind, you are REALLY cute when you're embarrassed," I say with a smirk.

"Potter, stop!" Evans says coldly but continues to blush.

*They turn back to look at the rest of the people in the compartment, who are pretending that they weren't watching and listening intently. Evans immediately face palms and I look around embarrassed as Padfoot smirks

Marlene McKinnon enters the compartment. "What'd I miss?!"

"Oh, James and Lily were flirting." Says Padfoot matter of factly.

"We were not!" Evans shoots daggers with her eyes at Padfoot.

She's cute when she's mad, I think.

Marlene laughs and heads to sit next to Evans and Padfoot.

Marlene whispers loudly to Evans, "Someone's in loveeee."

I look over and see Evans blushing. She punches Marlene in the arm. "Says the one who spends all her time talking about Sirius." she whispers, so we could barely hear.

Padfoot hears his name and looks up. "What did you say?!"

"I said-" Evans starts. Marlene yells, "Nothing! Right, Lily?" Marlene gives her a death stare. "All right, all right!" Evans says.

A moment later Frank and Alice join them in the compartment and sit down together. "Oooo," Marlene says when she sees them. Alice looks at her as if daring her to speak.

"Wow, chill. Ok! Who wants to play Truth or Dare?" Marlene suggests. "Sure! Sounds great!" I say. "Everyone in?" Marlene asks. Everyone responds yes. "I'll ask first," I say. "Pads, truth or dare?"

"Dare." Padfoot replies. "I dare you to... go over to that compartment and start flirting with those fifth year girls." Padfoot smirks, "Easy." Pads heads to the compartment, swaying his hips dramatically. I notice Marlene looks mad, and I shoot her a look meaning I'm sorry.

We all stare as Sirius starts turning on the charm. After a few minutes, Sirius heads back in, leaving the girls in the other compartment speechless and slightly confused. "Okay..... Lily, truth or dare" Says Padfoot. "Truth" says Evans certainly, seeming to know how ruthless Pads gets. "Ummm, If you had to date one person in this compartment would it be?" Says Padfoot smirking and glances at me. "I guess... Remus. He's pretty chill and nice." Lily glances at Mary. "Sorry for stealing your man." At this, Moony and Mary both blush furiously.

Ok, not what I was expecting, but that still hurt a little...fuck... But I know she doesn't like me, and she definitely wouldn't say me anyways. I think to myself, still trying to mask my disappointment as Padfoot looks at me apologetically.

"Ok!" Evans says suddenly. "Remus, truth or dare?" "Oh, no. Lily!" Moony replies pleadingly. She smirked. "I'll pick... truth."

"Yay! Ok, if YOU had to date someone in this compartment, who would it be?" "I guess Mary" Moony mutters. Padfoot and I gave him a look, while he and Mary blushed furiously. "Ok, Alice! Truth or dare?" Moony asks, breaking the silence. "Oh! Truth!"Alice replies.

"Are you and Frank dating yet?" "What do you mean, yet ?" "Well, we all know you like each other. Alice and Frank blush and glance at one another. "Well, yes we are." Marlene shrieks. "And you didn't tell us?!" "Well, we were going to tell you guys at some point... Whatever. Ok now, James. Truth or dare?"

"Dare," I say. "Ok, I dare you to go into that compartment and flirt with them just like Sirius did." Alice grins at me. I glance at Evans. We make eye contact and she immediately looks away, looking slightly uncomfortable. Or that might just be my imagination. "Ok!" I get up to leave. "Oh, also you have to ask them who they think is hotter, you or Sirius." I grin at Padfoot. "They'll definitely say me," Padfoot says. "Ha, you wish" I reply and leave the room. 

Yay Part Four!! Enjoy! Any comment, votes, and feedback are much appreciated!

Love, Ella and Aeriel

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