Part Eighteen!

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James POV

A few weeks later, I wake up and jump out of bed.

IT"S CHRISTMAS!! We all decided to stay at Hogwarts this year.

"Pads, Moony, Wormy!! Wake up!" I yell.

Wormy sits up. "Presents!"

We all rip open our gifts and compare what we got.

My parents sent me a broom servicing kit, fudge, and mini pies. Lily gave me a Zonko's prank kit. In the card that she gave me, she also agreed to play a prank on someone with me. That made me happy. Pads gave me a Queen muggle band t-shirt and some candy. Moony gave me chocolate, that he will probably be stealing back, and a few quidditch books. Wormy gave me a sweatshirt with a stag on the back and some food.

Padfoot got a few band t-shirts, some dog themed stuff, food, and some other things. My parents also sent him a gift, because he's been staying with us during breaks.

Moony got loads of chocolate, and lot's of books, which he was very happy about.

Wormy got candy, a few books, and a bunch of fancy cheese (a combined gift from Moony, Sirius and I).

Lily POV

IT'S CHRISTMAS!! The girls and I all decided to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas, instead of going home like we usually do.

I wake up the girls and we all rip open our presents.

I got a ring, a necklace, and a few muggle books from my parents. James gave me a beautiful silver locket and he gave me some small wizard pictures so I could choose which ones to put in. There is a picture of us holding hands, one of us kissing, one of our whole group playing truth or dare and laughing, one of Marlene, Mary, Alice, and I, and one last picture with my family.

Marlene gave me some Honeydukes candy, a really cute and soft sweatshirt, and a charm bracelet.

Alice gave me two new muggle books, a few bottles of butterbeer, and a ring.

Mary gave me a really pretty light lipstick, a book, and some candy.

Surprisingly, Petunia sent me a card. It was pretty rude but that wasn't unexpected. As my gift, she gave me some muggle money.

"Wow! Is that muggle money?" Marlene asks in awe. "Yeah, you can have it." I toss it to her. "Yay! Thanks!" Marlene takes it and studies it. "This is weird." She says. I smile.

Marlene got a few muggle band t-shirts, lots of candy, and some makeup.

Alice got candy, a sweatshirt, a few books, and makeup.

Mary got some books, lots of candy, and a cute t-shirt.

After showing each other our gifts, we head downstairs to the common room and meet up with the boys.

I give James a big hug. "I love the necklace!"

He smiles. "Great! Can I put it on for you?"

I pass him the necklace and turn around. He puts it on and it feels cold against my skin.

"Thanks!" "It's beautiful!" He kisses me and we walk hand in hand to the Great Hall.

As we walk in, I gasp. "Wow! This is amazing!" There are huge Christmas trees, fake snow falling, mistletoe everywhere, and it's breathtaking.

We all head to the table and I sit down next to James.

"Oh! Mistletoe!" I point to it over our head.

Just then Xenophilius Lovegood walks by our table.

"It's probably full of nargles." He walks away.

"What are nargles?" I ask. I don't think we ever learned about those in class. "They're not real." Marlene sighs.

I laugh.

James kisses me. I laugh and pull away. "Not now! We're eating." I smirk at him.

"Later?" He winks at me. I giggle again. "Maybe..." I go back to my food. The houselves really worked hard for this. Dinner will probably be even more spectacular.

We spend a long time at breakfast and afterwards, James pulls me aside.

"I want to show you something. Come with me."

Authors note: Hello everyone! We just wanted to let you know that we will be posting the next part soon! Add this story to your library so you can be notified when we update!  

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