Part SIx!

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Part Six

Marlene POV:

Lily and Remus get up to leave for their prefect duties and Sirius moves a little closer to me. 

Lily catches that and glances at me as she’s leaving. She makes a heart with her hands and runs before I can do anything. 

I really do like Sirius and I know that he likes me.
I mean I think he likes me, it’s kind of obvious.
Maybe this will be our year and we’ll finally get together and James and Lily will finally get together! That’d be exciting!

“James! When are you going to ask her out?” I ask.
“Who?” He asks. I know he knows who I’m talking about, but he’s trying to hide it. “Lily! You’ve been asking her out for years!” I lean across Sirius and whisper to James, “And you better do it soon!”
“Does she like me?” James asks curiously. “Now come on James! What kind of friend would I be if I told her secrets? But, since it benefits the both of you…”
I lean back over Sirius and whisper to James, “But I think she does. I hope she does.”

James looks stunned and happy. I smile at him, he looks so pleased.
I suddenly feel very tired, so I lay my head on Sirius’ shoulder.
I see James smiling at Sirius and he gives Sirius a thumb’s up, and then I fall asleep. 

Two hours later I feel a tap on my shoulder.
It’s Sirius. “Come on, we’re almost there.” 

“Oh, thanks. I’ll go change.” I reply. The girls and I went to change.
We went back to get our stuff from the compartment and got off the train. 

We were back at Hogwarts for our sixth year!

James POV

The rest of the group gets off the train and I stay behind with Evans. I see her struggling. 

“Do you need help?”
“Oh sure! Thanks, it’s really heavy.” I reach up to get it and I feel her staring at me.
I hand her her bags and then we head off the train together. 

We reach the carriages and I sit down next Sirius. Evans climbs in after me. “Where can I sit?” She asks.
“Looks like you’ll have to sit on someone's lap!” Marlene smirks at Evans and then glances at me.
“Not mine, I’m reading, sorry” Moony says. “Not mine” Peter says. 

Most of the group says no, and after Padfoot says no, he glances at me and smirks. “
I think James wouldn’t mind.” Evans and I make eye contact and I’m sure she’s blushing but it’s too dark to tell.
“I mean, if you’re ok with it,” She says. “Oh, um it’s fine.” She sits on me, and I can tell she’s uncomfortable with the situation. “Evans, it’s fine. You’re not that heavy.” She laughs and leans back a little. 

We spot Snivellus with Lucius, Bellatrix, and Narcissa in the next carriage over.
I hear, “Isn’t that the girl you used to be friends with.” Lucius asks, sneering at Evans. “Yeah, but she’s a filthy mudblood. We’re not friends anymore anyway.” Snivellus glares at me when he realizes she's sitting on my lap. 

I realize Evans has tears in her eyes and I whisper, “It’s fine, he’s an idiot. He doesn’t know you like I do.”
“Thanks, but it still hurts.” 

As we head to the castle we just talk and gossip and then we finally arrive.
We all head inside and sit at the Gryffindor table. Surprisingly, Evans sits between me and Marlene.

I look at her and she smiles and then looks away, immediately starting a conversation with Marlene.
Suddenly Padfoot yells, “Minnie! It’s Minnie!!” Minnie looks up at us and Pads and I wave wildly at us. She smiles a little and then turns to talk to Dumbledore.

The sorting starts and I notice that the first years look so scared.

The sorting is quickly over and Dumbledore starts talking. If I’m being honest I don’t really pay attention and I just stare at the back of Evans head.

After the speech, Lily turns back to me and notices me staring. Remus smirks at me. Evans reddens slightly but before she can say something, the food appears.

We all eat very quickly and once we finish we all sit around talking about the latest gossip, courtesy of Marlene, and the upcoming quidditch season. 

Authors Note:
Woo Hoo! Part Six! We hope you enjoyed! Please vote, comment, and add this to your library so you know when we add more!

Love, Ella and Aeriel

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