Chapter 0: The Fool

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"Good morning, Kady! I hate to be the bringer of bad news but someone must be the messenger," my elderly neighbor joked as she shoved several red envelopes to my hands, "I can lend you some money, dear. Just say the word."

I vehemently shook my head and look exasperatedly on the glaringly red bills in hands and closed my eyes before heaving a sigh and getting back to reality, "I will manage Mrs. Felly. It's not like this is the first time I received these kinds of love letters. Right?"

"Yes, but they are getting frequent and I may hope for you to find a romantic partner, however, I don't approve of having overdue payments as your suitor. I thought I taught you how to build up your credit score, not screw it."

I just chuckled at the woman clothed in a modest veil and flowery duster dress typical of a Maharlikan of her age, "I know Mrs. Felly but it is already screwed before you even managed to impart such a valuable lesson. It is already a little too late sadly."

"And you will be late for your interview if you don't get going now. I will be a bit lonely now that you are finally leaving. However, I do wish you only the best, my dear student. Good luck and good hunting!" she turned her back and entered her apartment door once again before closing it behind her.

I shed a tear for her because not only is she my good neighbor and defacto guardian since I became an orphan, she was also my class adviser during my final year in high school. I just graduated last month thanks to her support with flying colors.

If not for my elderly teacher, I would've stopped studying and never finish my secondary education studies after my father passed away a year ago. Now, I am on my way to the capital city to hopefully land myself a job and pay off my overdue bills.

Even when my father was alive, we are never that rich. It is a rather average life with him but a very happy one. I never knew who my mother is nor I care for that irrelevant information that even my scatterbrained father didn't know. All he remembered was meeting a woman in a pub and one thing leads to another nine months later and I appeared literally at his doorsteps.

I don't know the exact details, he is very secretive and is a tough nut to crack but always have a soft spot for me in his childish heart. It was a very, very, long journey for him. He was tired and have been through a lot of suffering before I arrived in his life. And finally, he got his rest. He was given a choice to save his life or my own. The choice for him is all too clear.

In a split-second, I lost the only family that I have and my whole world crumbled around me. A year after he left me, I was still picking the pieces of the love he left behind for me.

"You are worth the price, Kady. This is as far as I can go. The rest of your journey is up to you and no matter what you do, I will always, always, love you..."

He was the only one who understands me. Who supported and picked me up whenever I fall down and takes the lead when I lose control. Now, I'm all alone in this very big and unforgiving world and have to fend off for myself.

Without someone working full-time to support my studies and daily expenses, our savings are completely depleted by the fifth month after his death. I decided to periodically skip going to school and do some odd jobs.

A gasoline girl, waitress, encoder, babysitter, and other menial jobs that will accept an underage teenager like me.

Ever since my father left me, I always feel that there's something missing in my life. Like I was searching for a place or person who will fill the hole in my heart. Always restless and halfway out the door, the more I try to have more, the more I felt destitute and empty.

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