Chapter 2: The High Priestess

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"Kirov von Alcor, I was just wondering, are you in a relationship, Kady?"

I blinked at the audacity of this good looking imperial boy who is looking at me intently, "None, uhm, sir."

"Ouch! Shot down in less than a minute! A new record for our imperial retainer!" a familiar girl that I recognize as the field reporter who announced my results yesterday, "Mariya, Kady! Tell me, how did you manage to get a perfect score?"

I saw several eyebrows raised and the audible whispers of surprise from the rest of the class as her twin sister smacked her so hard she hit her head on her notebook lying open on her desk, "Good job, Mariya. It was supposed to be classified information, you dolt. Anyways, I am also wondering how you can get a perfect score because when I tried to answer that test, I just got forty."

"I think I just got lucky," I answered truthfully but like most of them, she does not appear to be convinced.

"If it's through sheer luck then I guess you must be lucky enough to evade even death? Olea von Feador by the way."

I just blinked at the girl who spoke bluntly. I know she meant no offense despite her tactless tone but I can't help but feel hurt by her question so I just forced a smile and nodded, "I guess you can say that, my lady. I was lucky enough to cheat death once years ago but it cost me a lot."

"This is a question and answer portion guys and gals, not interrogations procedure," a jolly-looking young man with noticeable grease on his hands, "Daryl von Colte, Kady. Do you want to be transferred to another section now that you know how convoluted our section is?"

"To be honest, yes. I just don't think I am worthy of being here in front of you all."

"Well, that's not up for discussion, for better or for worse, Ms. Groves. The Board of Trustees wants you in this section so you can have a first-hand experience dealing with future foreign leaders," Mr. Andrade said firmly as I glanced at him.

"To me, it sounds like they already know that I will somehow land a government job in the future, sir," I said carefully that made not only him but the class laugh.

"Well, the last scholar was now the President of this country. It's not far-fetched to at least hope that you in the future, will take at the very least, a diplomatic role. You can answer more questions later during your break. Go take the seat next to Ms. de Marillac. We will start our lesson now."

I heaved a sigh as I was finally let go by the teacher and head straight to the waving pop idol who even stood up and pulled the chair for me to sit on.

"Thank you..."

"Oh my! Oh wow! Oh, dear! How dare she keep you all to herself yesterday!" she said angrily that left me confused and bewildered, "Now what will I do with you now that you're in my hands?"

Our other seatmate coughed a little to get Belle's attention, "If you don't want to look more like a madwoman then save your weird gushings for later."

"Fine Marga. I will hold my enthusiasm. For now..."

"Well, now that Ms. de Marillac has calmed down, let's start our lesson shall we?" the teacher asked as he tapped the board behind him with his stick and to my surprise, it lit up and turned out to be a large led screen, "Let's all continue our lesson. Don't worry, Ms. Groves, I just taught them the primer yesterday. A taste, if you will, of what real strategy is. Not from an armchair general, mind you. The real deal."

I nodded as I pulled out my notebook from my bag and opened it before scribbling what I just heard from him.

"Most of you here came from nobilities or connected to them in one way or another. I am sure that several of you, especially the Kalalitans, know at least basic stratagems. But do you know that you can win a war before even firing the first shot? Anybody here can tell me how? Oh, but of course, Ms. de Marillac."

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