Chapter 1: The Magician

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I shook my head and tried to sound as respectful as possible because I have a feeling that she is not someone I want to anger.

"Ms. Rio, I am very thankful for the opportunity, I really do. However, I don't even know if I can eat this weekend if I don't get hired today. As stated in my resume, I am supporting myself and I am willing to start immediately that's why as you can see, I am dragging my luggage around here. A scholarship is good but a job is definitely better. Since I scored perfectly, why not hire me?"

She just laughed at me patronizingly. As if my seeming ignorance is adorable or something, "Why should I, the manager of the Human Resource Department of this school, hire someone as intelligent as you to wash the dishes? No, Ms. Groves. It has been agreed upon by the Board of Trustees that you will study here and they deemed you worthy of being given a monthly stipend that will make your salary as a dishwasher look like pathetic spare change. President Lizzo studied here with the very same arrangement. I trust this amount will suffice?"

I blinked several times when I saw the numbers on a piece of paper she gave me, "One Hundred Thousand Pesos, monthly?"

"It will be released every end of the month through a cash card that will be given to you should you accept this offer. Of course, this is on top of the Three Hundred Thousand Pesos subsidy that will be transferred to your bank account immediately so you can buy basic necessities and other school supplies that you may need. So, Ms. Kady Groves, I will ask you once again. Do you accept your enrollment here in our prestigious school?"

No need to think twice. If I can get a degree and earn money at the same time then there's no reason to say no, "Where should I sign, Ms. Rio?"

"I knew you will make the right choice quickly. Of course, I was authorized to do everything I can to convince you, should you find the terms of the agreement not favorable," she said as she gave me a two-paged contract that I read quickly and signed posthaste.

"Beggars can't be choosers. So when will I start, Ms. Rio? Next Monday perhaps?" I asked as I returned the contract to her that she surprisingly kissed triumphantly before returning it inside her folder carefully.

"The Trustees want you to attend your first class here tomorrow morning. We also refrained from announcing your real score but knowing Mariya, our cover will be blown by tomorrow," the manager said while shaking her head in disappointment, "Anyways, this is your cash card. It is already loaded with your first-month allowance and my secretary already transferred the subsidy to your bank account the moment you entered my office."

I raised an eyebrow when I heard that she did everything in advance as if she is absolutely sure I will accept the offer before even talking to me personally.

"I know that look, Ms. Groves. I am willing to beg on both knees and cry fake tears just to make you say yes because you studying here and passing with a perfect score will do wonders to my reputation," she said frankly that made me respect her more and more, "However, enough of me. Let's talk about you. I guess you already noticed that most of the students here are very, shall we say, entitled and we both know that they have the money and blood to back their pomp so do me a favor, will you? Get out of here and buy some expensive clothes and things that won't make you stand out from the crowd. Try to fit in as much as you can. At least on the material aspects. Leave your luggage here, I will have it delivered in the room that you will be using in our dormitory. It is Co-Ed, just so you know. I hope you don't have any problems with that?"

I shook my head and stood up before accepting his hand for a warm handshake she gave me a black debit card with my name emblazoned on in, "I will sleep in a cupboard if needed, Ms. Rio. This is too generous already, I have no reason to complain at all."

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