¤First Meeting¤ {Male Surv}

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Liam(Lucky Guy)

•The boy just came back from the match when you first arrived

•Starts becoming a bumbling and akward mess after knowing he hasnt introduce himself yet

•"I'm so sorry! I didn't know you came, let me make it up you!"

•A very sweet boy but you can see the stress he has been through

•The one that explained how the whole game works in the manor and is the teammate like partner that informs you on everything in the matches like the dungeon and the hunters

•Where did he get that gun from?

•How is he getting guns while you get magic sticks?

•"I could give you my gun if you like."

•Partners in matches and close friends already

Naib Subedar

•The man was rude to you on your first time here

•Very weary around you and keep on his glare and eye you down as your around

•"Why are you here?" "You better have an invatation." "Don't cross me." "What do you want?"

•Can make your hair stand on end with just his agressive aura

•During matches is when you see him in a different way

•Saves and heals you whenever he gets the chance

•Teaches you the layout of the map and helps you get around to areas

•However he is still agressive with you

•Shoves you out of his sight for some reason from time to time

•"Dont touch me. Just decode."

•Scolds you for your flaws

•"Can't you see the hunter near me?! Leave idiot!"

•So far, your both a really different pair that won't get along for now

Eli Clark

•You saw an owl and wanted to pet it

•Was very surprise when he can see through his blindfold

•Was an easy going, laid back person before match

•During match he can be the most strict and serious person you know

•But quite caring as he looks out for you

•The owl is always staring at you...

•His actually the easiest person to interact with due to the lack of eye contact

•Very mysterious despite looking like his the open-minded type of person

•Owl likes you dont worry

•He gives good guide and advice

•Supports each other

•Despite his friendliness. You aren't that close enough to be call friends yet

Aesop Carl

•You tried to strike up a conversation with since you haven't approach him yet

•The moment you said your "hi" he went silently "bye", stood up and walks away

•Very cold towards you like he is with everyone else

•You only seen him during matches or sometimes somewhere as his alone like in the garden late at night

•He does infact saves you with his rebirth ability but he doesnt aknowledge your "thank you's" and move on as if nothing happened

•But even during matches its hard to find the guy

•Doesn't talk that much. Only small commands like "Don't decode together" or "Forget about the healing"

•You're both acquaintance. Unfortunately, the Embalmer sees you more of a stranger

Victor Grantz

•Very very s i l e n t

•But unlike the Embalmer, the boy is more friendly and open to you

•Let's you pet his doggo

•During matches his a very big help as he gives you moral support and buffs to kite the hunter and to get away

•He communicates to you by notes and letters

•After you found out he, despite being a postman, always wanted to receive letters

•You found that out because he was slow in decoding as his daydreaming somehow-

•You started to be silent around him and communicate using letters, which actually made him quite happy

•Your letter deliverer is your paper crane. You did it as a funnt joke because he has a dog to deliver his letters so why not

•Already close friends and enjoy each other's conpany when not having a conversation

Andrew Cress

•He suddenly appears from the ground as you were chilling in the garden

•"What are you down there? Here, let me help."

•Quite surprise you actually help him out of the hole and dust him off instead of thinking his weird

•Was quite shy being around you but soon got use to it as you were chill with him

•Very awkward bonding time as you both dont know what to say to each other

•In matches, his your saviour as he would volunteer to save you after you helped him despite it not being necessary

•You were the more lay back type of person and that makes him confortable around you but still feels a bit awkward from time to time

•Eventually gotten used to you as you both would hang around the garden

•Acquaintances but slowly becoming friends

Luca Balsa

•He shocked you as you return the handshake

•Slightly unintentional from him but at the same time he laughs at his own prank

•You didn't like him at first but he did apologise to you afterwards which made the tension eased up

•You saw his inventions and with curiousity, you asked him about it

•Suddenly brightens up like a happy child

•Starts giving you a full on speech about his inventions and his inspirtations for it

•While doing so he starts to slowly quiet down as his words began to slur. As if he just remembered something

•"Are you okay Luca?"

•"Uh? Oh yes. Sorry about that, just my mind went blank there. Excuse my sudden change in behaviour."

•For a 'prisoner' he seems formal

•The relationship between you two can be call friends but the whole interaction is just a one time thing and you somehow dont really talk to him that much after that. So its more of acquaintances


The very first scenario of this book yay-

Like the oneshots, go ahead and request any scenario or any person you would like to be added in here but in the Request Page pls

Bear with me for any ooc here, since i dont know exactlt how these people act out so this is my headcanons

I will do the hunter's edition soon ^ w ^

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2020 ⏰

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