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Hongjoong sighed, Running a hand through his hair roughly, as he sat him the audience. One of their biggest gigs, he couldn't afford to fail.

"Cutting lights in 3...2...1" YunHos voice came in clear through the ear piece.

Hongjoong stood once the lights were off. He pulled his gun and went up on stage, The chief of police in Seoul stood confused as the lights were gone.

He pressed the barrel to the chiefs temple. "Say good bye" Hongjoong whispered in the mans ear before pulling the trigger.

The sound echoed loudly as the people began to scream. The mans body dropped lifelessly.

Hongjoong smirked and walked off stage leaving completely, through one of secret exits.

He walked down the tunnel and tucked the gun back into his jacket. He emerged behind the building, and followed the alley to where Jongho waited with the get away car.

He got in and leaned back, closing the door. "Is it done?" Jongho asked, as he took off.

"Would I be back if it wasn't ?" Hongjoong snapped, Jongho chuckled speeding through the streets. They went down the forest path to their base.

Hongjoong loosened the tie he wore and sighed leaning back tiredly. All his stress and work was completed.

"Joong" SeongHwas voice cut in sharply. Upon hearing SeongHwa all the other members left the line, knowing what was to come.

"When did you last sleep?" He demanded "3 days ago" Hongjoong answered his eyes growing heavy.

"3 days?!- When you get back you're going to sleep, and no complaining" HongJoong mumbled a 'yes' and dozed off.

When he awoke again, A day had passed and it was currently 2 am on a Saturday.

He groggily opened his eyes to see SeongHwa fast asleep with him. He smiled tiredly and shifted closer to SeongHwa.

After a couple moments he fell back into sleep again.


Seungyeon cursed running a hand through her hair, Just while she was in a meeting, Sorn and Elkie had been kidnapped.

Taehyun and Mark stood next to her equally as stressed "Where could they be!"

Seungyeon tried calling Sorn again but got no response.

But never did it occur to her that they could've been betrayed.


Wooyoung sat in the empty dining room, a bottle and glass sitting next to him. His mind raced and reeled at what he'd forgotten

His thoughts raced, screaming. He's just disappeared, he'd forgotten about his best friend

His eyes watered as he downed another shot. The whiskey burning his throat.

With shaky hands he raised then small knife he had, close to his palm

Just as he was about to dig the blade in, a hand roughly grabbed the knife.

"Wooyoung" Sans voice was clear and steady. He gently took the knife and tossed it onto another counter.

"What's wrong hun?" He sat next to Wooyoung gently running his fingers over the palm he'd almost cut.

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