Chapter 1 : Where It All Started

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It all began when I decided to try out a new sport. Cross country to be exact. It was a slow Sunday morning with a 7am practice. My mother Alice dropped me off about 15 minutes before practice officially started. I walked over to my friends who also decided to join. 

Until, I saw this boy hop out of a light blue minivan, about 5’2, dirty blonde hair, ocean blue eyes that shone like diamonds, and this smile that lit up my whole world.  I didn’t realize that I zoned out as I was staring at him, my friend then snapped me out of it. She then looked in the direction that I was staring.. 

“Oh My Gosh!” said my best friend Kayla. “Does Brittney Bach have a crush on Easton Eden!?” I shake my head to snap out of my imagination, “What? What no I.. I don’t!” I stammered. “What- what would make you think that?” Kayla crosses her arms and looks at me like she can see right through me, “Oh, just the fact that you were TOTALLY staring at him!!” she says as she tries to prove her point. 

“Okay kiddos!! Line up, we are going to officially start practice! When I say your name, step forward!” the coach yells. I knew that I was going to be one of the first ones called cause I was a ‘B’. But, I also knew that Easton wasn’t going to be too far behind me cause he was an ‘E’.

The coach goes down his list, he then finally got to ‘B’. He yells over all the kids talking to one another, “Brittney Bach!” I then stepped forward, I felt eyes land on me. I turn around to see Easton gaze for a short second at me, I turn to Kayla, she points to me, then to Easton, and makes a heart with her hands. I mouth the word, ‘no way’ with no words coming out of it. 

I then hear my coach yell, “Easton Eden!” I felt that it was a coincidence that Easton came up and stood right next to me. “Hi, I’m Easton.” He said with a wide grin, and his bright smile. I smile and introduce myself back, “Hey, I’m Brittney!”  He smiles and I do the same back to him, “You're new to the team?” he says trying to keep the conversation going. “Yeah, I am. How did you know?” I said. I felt so stupid after I said that. That I quickly said, “Oh My God, I’m so stupid. Don’t answer that!” He smiled and chuckled underneath his breath.

“Okay! Now that everyone is here, we can start the run. Ready.. Set.. GO!” He immediately took off. After the run was over, Easton approached me and said,  “Hey!” All my friends that were around me looked at me and walked away. I didn’t want to be rude or impolite, “Hey, what’s up?” I said nervously. 

A smile took over his face, “Do you have snapchat?” He seemed nervous when he asked me a simple question. I apparently got lost in his eyes as he was talking to me, he waved his hand in front of my face. “Huh?” I said as I snapped out of whatever I was in. “Um, I asked if you had snapchat.” He said in what felt like a very annoyed tone. “Oh. Yeah sorry. I do in fact.” I gave him my snapchat as my mom honked the car horn. “I gotta go.” I said in a very panicked way. 

I ran to the car. “So, who was that handsome boy that you were talking to?” My mother said as if she was interested in my life for once. “No one Mom, let’s go.” I buckle up and look out the window. I don’t speak the whole way home… 

As we arrive in my driveway, I get a notification on my phone from snapchat. “Easton Eden added you as a friend.” A smile takes over my face. “Is it that boy you were talking to at cross country?” My mom says. “None of your business Mom!” I run up the backstairs and shout. 

I go to my room and get clothes. Run to my shower and turn on the warm water. 

My phone kept going off and I kept getting messages from someone. I peek through a tiny crack between the shower curtain and the tile that surrounds my shower. It was Easton. 

I turn off the water, wrap myself in a towel, and run back to my room. 

I open the snap from him. ‘ Hey :) ’ he said with a cute pic of him. I replied with the same thing he said to me. We snapchatted the entire night. Until morning… 

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