Chapter 5: Backfired

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Eastons’ POV: That night I lie in bed thinking about how I am going to break the news to Kayla that I have feelings for Brittney. She is going to be crushed, but the right thing has to be done, like if Kayla had feelings for another guy, I would want her to tell me. 

Okay, I’m just going to tell her at school tomorrow.. But, out of nowhere I hear someone knock on my bedroom window.. I gently open my curtains to see Brittneys’ beautiful face, I open my window, “What are you doing here?” I ask with concern. “Easton, we need to talk.” she says 

I allowed Brittney to come in, but I couldn’t help myself so I pulled her in and kissed her.. 

Brittneys’ POV: Easton just kissed me. Obviously I kissed him back, and immediately knew it was wrong cause he was still with Kayla. I pulled away quickly and slapped him.. “EASTON YOU'RE WITH KAYLA!!” I said as I stared into his beautiful sky blue eyes.. “Brittney, I’m going to end things with Kayla tomorrow because I want to be with you!” When he said that I went into immediate shock.. I then climbed back out his window and ran home..

Kaylas’ POV: So, I just had an epic rendezvous with Eastons cousin Zayn. Even though I knew it was wrong, Zayn is so much better in bed than Easton, because I know that he is thinking about that ratchet bitch Brittney. “Don’t you think that we should tell Easton about us baby?” Zayn says. Which I don’t really care about his opinion because this has been going on almost the whole time Easton and I have been together.

Can I be frank? I am only with Easton because he’s popular. And since I’m with him, I’m popular too. But, as much as I want to tell Easton, I’m just going to wait to tell him about Zayn until he admits that he liked Brittney. Even though I know that is going to be soon. 

Eastons’ POV: I kissed her. I made the move, which now I really have to end things with Kayla. I felt a spark when I kissed Brittney, one that I never felt with Kayla. It was as if Britteny and I were destined to be together. I need to get rest though. But instead of that, I picked up my phone and texted Brittney. I was swiping through all my Mapchat people, until I had laid eyes on her Mapmoji. 

I clicked on her Mapmoji, and texted her.. I enjoyed kissing you :). I hope we are able to do it again…  So as I waited for her to reply, a FaceTime call came through from Kayla. I was honestly surprised she was still awake at 1am. But, whatever. I decided to answer and see what she wanted, and all she did was ramble. 

Brittneys’ POV: I got a Mapchat text from Easton.. I didn’t know whether to open it or not, so I called Dayna. “Hey girl! So, Easton kissed me, now he is Mapchat messaged me, and I don’t know whether or not to open it or not…” I took a nice deep breath after that ramble. Daynas’ jaw dropped. “Girl OMG, you’re in a big ass mumble jumble here.” All I knew in this specific moment was to just shake my head, and that’s all I did. 

~~~~~ THE NEXT DAY ~~~~~

Eastons’ POV: Today was the day I decided to tell Kayla the truth about my feelings for Brittney. This is honestly going to be a huge mess, Kayla is either gonna be pissed off, or sad. Or maybe a little bit of both, maybe even none of those. I don’t know. Kayla is the most unpredictable person ever. I got out of my mom’s minivan, yeah I know, she had to pick the most lame car ever but whatever. 

I walked into the school, and right there in the lobby was Kayla and Bruttney with their separate “posses”. I walked over to Kayla to break the news to her, when all of a sudden the cheerleaders came over to me with a sign in each of their hands spelling out the word, “S-E-M-I-?” I look at Kayla with shock when I turn around to see Brittney turn around and run away. 

That’s when I said it, “Kayla, we need to break up. I discovered that I don’t have feelings for you anymore. I have feelings for someone else..” Kayle dead stared at me for about 3 minutes straight. Not one blink..

Kaylas’ POV: Easton had the audacity to reject my semi proposal!! I can’t even explain how humiliating that was for me. But then, out of the corner of my eye, I see Brittney run away when the cheerleaders came out with signs that spelled out “SEMI?” I wanted to laugh at Brittney, but I couldn’t bear to hear that Easton wants to break up. 

That’s when I said it, “Well shit, I don’t care cause I’ve been getting busy with your cousin Zayn! Yeah, you heard it right! Zayn and I have been getting busy for almost the whole time you and I have been together.” The students that were in the lobby at the time let out their “ou’s” and “boo’s”. But I didn’t care because I had finally let out the big secret that was hanging over my head for about 6 or 7 months. And now Easton knows about it.

Brittneys' POV: After I saw the cheerleaders come out with the signs, I ran. Easton hesitated before saying his answer. But, I didn't hear it because I had already taken off to the girls bathroom. I hid in a stall and cried. But why was I crying over Easton Eden? Rumors say that he plays all the girls he ends up with. And I'm not about to be played around with, I mentally cannot take that. But I did for a fact like Easton. That may be embarrassing to say considering he is Mr. Popular, and I'm just a student athlete. But, I do believe that I have a chance with him.

Then I heard footsteps coming in the door to the girls bathroom. A very familiar voice says, "Britt? I know you're in here. I can see your shoes, and hear your tears! I have major tea to spill!" I unlocked the bathroom stall I was in, and walked out. "What is it Dayna?" I mumble. "Easton broke up with Kayla for you!" My heart feels like it's glowing. And that's when another familiar voice comes from the doorway. "Brittney, I need to talk to you.. I am a guy, so i can't come in here." I walk out to see a boy, my age, sandy hair, and sky blue eyes, who I just so happen to have feelings for, and he just broke up with his girlfriend.

"What is it?" I ever so quietly mumble. "As you may have heard--" I cut him off mid-sentence. "I know you broke up with Kayla for some mystery girl." He looks at me wistfully, "she's not really that much of a secret actually." That's when we lock eyes, and he leans in, as do I.. Our lips touch, and from the doorway to the girls bathroom I hear an, "AWWWW" from Dayna.. An epic, yet crazy, love story begins...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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