Chapter 3: The First Heartbreak

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Three months had passed by as I talked to Easton. And in those three amazing ass months, I feel as though Easton has been trying to tell me something. But, I can't put my finger on it whatsoever. 

I may be overestimating things, but what if he wants to ask me to be his girlfriend!?

Do you think that's it? Or is he hiding something from me!!? My anxiety began to take over my mind… 

But, I kept telling myself, that's not the case. He seems to be very much into you. 

I then thought to myself some more, you know what, he is really cute, and funny, and so loyal. I think I'm gonna be the one to make the move.

I picked up my cell phone, clicked on FaceTime, and I clicked on Easton's name. It rang and rang, until he finally accepted the call. My face lit up with joy and excitement as I said, "Hey, can we talk about something?"

He quickly got up, walked over to his door, looked out into his hallway, and sat back on his bed. He then so nervously said, "Yeah, yeah! Go ahead, shoot." 

"Okay, so-" I began to say, as I heard rather loud footsteps approach his bedroom door. I was confused so I asked, "Easton, is there someone else in your room?" The door then opens, and a familiar voice said the words I was afraid to hear.. “Hey baby, who are you talking to?” I look at him with a disappointed look on my face. I told him so disappointedly and said as my voice broke, “you-you have a-a girlfriend? I- I thought that you said your heart belonged to me?” 

He looks at the phone quickly, and then at his girlfriend with sadness in his eyes. “Brittney! Of course my heart does belong to you! Please hear me out!” He said with such concern. The girl then yells at the top of her lungs, “BRITTNEY!” I look at the girl and realize that it was my best friend Kayla. 

I immediately hung up the phone, and didn’t answer any of the hundreds of texts from both Kayla and Easton. I was heartbroken at that point, and I found out what heartbreak actually felt like. And it doesn’t feel the best. It feels like you have been stabbed in the heart multiple times, and like someone had just spit in your face. But, the hardest part is when you come to figure out he was sleeping with your best friend. 

It then later hit me that I have to look them both in the face tomorrow. 

The next day at school was complete hell, Dayna came up to me and spoke very fiercely, "what the hell happened with you and Easton!? He is literally over at the breakfast table and he looks depressed as hell! Tell me now, what the hell happened with Beaston!!"

I look at her confused, "Beaston? What the hell is Beaston?" She then gives me a smirk, "It was supposed to be yours and Easton's ship name, but something clearly happened and now I don't know if we are going to get to use that name." she says.

I finally caved in, "Fine!! Last night I picked up my phone and called Easton, I was about to ask him out when I heard a girl walk into his bedroom. I didn't know who it was and I didn't want to implode or anything, then I heard her say, "hey baby, who are you talking to?" I completely broke. And after that, he tried begging to explain himself to me, he then said my name then all I see is Kayla's face pop up onto the phone screen. And my world came completely crumbling down." She looks at me with sadness in her eyes. 

She then hugged me as if my parents had just split up. I asked her, "what is this about?" She pulled away from the hug and just looked me in the eyes. "I feel bad. And to think, you thought Kayla was your best friend. A best friend would never do that to another. That is majorly fucked up Britt." Dayna says while looking me in the eyes about to cry.

I just stand there, looking at her. But, then Easton walks up to Dayna and I. "Hey Brittney, can we please talk?" he says with the look of guilt taking over his eyes. Dayna just looks at me and nods, I let a loud sigh come out of my nose and nod at him. 

We walk toward the school lobby. Easton then turns around and starts to speak, "please Brittney let me explai-" I butt in, "there's no need to, you were clearly leading me on to believe that you actually liked me when you clearly didn't. I was probably just one of your many jokes or even a dare from your other friends. And to think at the fact that I was gonna ask you to be my boyfriend last night!" 

He looked at me bug-eyed. "You- you were gonna ask me to be your boyfriend?" I started to tear up and my voice starts to break, "Y-y-yeah, I was. Bu-but then Kayla walked into your ro-room, and my heart completely shattered." The tears begin to build up into Easton's eyes, "it-it was a mistake, what happened with Kayla and I. Bel-." I shake my head, "No no no! A mistake is running over a trash can with a car, what you and Kayla did was a choice!" I then walked away from him. But, I decided to turn my head around and look back. He was standing there, still as a mannequin.

He didn't come after me. He didn't budge from that specific spot in the school lobby. Not a word, not a movement. It was as if he was just dragged out of a frozen lake. Not a moment was taken only the years that dropped from his eyes at that moment. 

As I walked down the halls, more and more tears streamed from my eyes. But then I feel hands wrap around my waist and turn me around. It was Easton, we made eye contact. And he tried to kiss me, but I put my finger on his lips. "No. We aren't gonna do this, not after what happened. I'm sorry." I turned back around and walked away. No contact was to be had with him, I told myself. And none was.

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