Chapter 2 : FaceTime Call

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 I woke up the next day, ugh Monday… I managed to roll out of my bed, I rolled too far and ended up landing face first on my hard floor. I stand up and walk over to my phone. I see a notification from Snapchat, it was from Easton. ‘ Good Morning ;)! ‘ I felt myself start to blush. 

I reply with ‘ Good Morning to you too! ;) ‘ I then had to put my phone down and run to my wardrobe, it was my first day as an official seventh grader and I had nothing to wear. I then finally decided on ripped jeans and a cute yellow shirt with a rose on the chest pocket. 

Easton and I were snapchatting until I got to school and realized that his car was behind mine. We hop out of the car at the same time, I look at him and smile. And he looks at me and smiles back. I was walking up to him until my friend Dayna cuts in front of me and surprises me, “OH MY GOD!! I DIDN'T”T KNOW YOU WERE GOING TO BE COMING HERE WITH ME!!” We hug and squeal. 

I then notice Easton staring at me. I smile at him as I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and blush. His friend then waves his hand in front of his face and Dayna does the same to me. We both snap out. 

“Who are you looking at Brit?” Dayna asks. “What- Oh no one Day.” I ever so quickly reply. Dayna crosses her arms and gives me a look of curiosity. “Dayna, I swear it’s no one.” I say as I feel my nose twitch. “Mhm, if it was no one the would I see your nose twitch? Exactly, now spill all about him!!” Dayna starts to jump up and down. 

“Okay okay. I’ll tell you. Now knock it off!” I gave up and put my hand on her shoulder, then took it off as I continued… “So, I met him at cross country. His name is Easton, and he may or may not be standing over there with his friends and currently looking at me and he is super super cute!” I say as I run out of breath. 

Dayna looks over at him. She looks back at me and whispers, “oh my. Oh my. He is totally cute!” I give her the death stare, “I met him first! He asked for MY snapchat! I got dibs!!” She just chuckles. 

We then finish the first half of the school day, and we head to lunch. My phone goes off, it’s Easton. ‘ you look nice ‘ I blush, “Lemme guess cross country boy?” Dayna says with annoyance in her voice. I smile and roll my eyes, then I later reply, ‘ thank you. So do you. :) ‘ 

Dayna then sees where Easton and his friends sit at lunch. “That’s it, I’m doing this MY way!” she says as she gets up and walks over to their table. I hear exactly what she says to Easton and his friend that he is always around. “So, you Easton right?” He shakes his head. “Okay, you and you are coming with me.” 

She grabs one of each of their hands and drags them over to our table and sits them down. “So Easton, you and my dearest friend Brittney have been snapchatting each other so much, bow actually talk. Face to face.” Dayna demands. Easton’s friend then says, “Ah, this is your side piece!” 

I then stand up and run out of the cafeteria. Easton then gets up and runs after me. “BRITTNEY!! PLEASE STOP!!” I stop dead in the center of the hallway and turn around, “SIDE PIECE!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!” I yell. Everyone in the cafeteria and the hallway crowd around us. 

“I AM NOT GOING TO BE SOME ‘ SIDE PIECE ‘ THAT YOU TEXT WHEN YOU ARE BORED AND WANT SOMEONE TO TEXT! I AM NOT GOING TO BE DISRESPECTED LIKE THAT! NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! I WANT TO BE RESPECTED NOT TOYED WITH!” I yell. “Brittney, you aren’t a side piece! I love the conversations we have with each other. You are the only girl I talk to, and the only girl I WANT to talk to.” he says.

Everyone then walks away from us. “Call me later please?” he asks with what looks like tears about to form in his eyes. I simply just nod and walk away. 

Later that night, I shower and crawl into my bed. I text Easton, ‘ FaceTime now? ‘ he opens my message, ‘ I wouldn’t love nothing more. I call, and he immediately answers the FaceTime call. “Hey Brittney” I smile. “Hey Easton.” 

We ended up talking for a total of 7 hours and 30 minutes. I eventually fell asleep on the phone with him. I couldn’t stop thinking about him the entire night, he even showed up in my dreams that night. It’s like I am feeling love for the very first time…

But I never knew what love actually feels like... I guess this is it though, it actually feels kind of nice if you ask me. It feels really nice.

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