Chapter 4 : A Grave Mistake

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Easton and I hadn’t talked, texted, voice called, or FaceTimed since we talked at school a week ago. Lemme tell you, it wasn’t easy. When at school, my eyes always immediately went to him, no one else. I even saw him out in public when I would be out with Dayna, she always caught me off guard as I would  be zoning out. 

After school, Dayna and I were hanging out at my house, I pulled my phone out of my purse and went on Snapchat. I was swiping through everyone's stories when I saw Easton’s Snapchat story, he was at the local McDonald’s which was 5 minutes away from my house. I turned to Dayna, “Hey I’m in the mood for some McDonald’s chicken nuggets. Wanna go?” She just turned away from my vanity mirror and nodded, “yeah sure, I was in the mood for Dunkin Donuts anyways.” We got up and walked out of my room then my house. 

We had decided to walk to McDonald’s, and as we stood outside the glass door and the big window, I saw him. I saw Easton. Dayna glanced at me, looking very concerned, “are you ready to see him?” I had apparently dazed off, “what? Huh!? Yeah, yeah i’m ready!” We then walked inside, and I found my eyes landing on him, and I found his eyes landing on me. “Should I go talk to him D?” I said very confusingly. “If you want to talk to him, go ahead. If I were you I would. You seem like you love him very much.” She said very happily. 

Eastons' POV:  I was with my best friend Kyle and my cousin Zayn. “So, are you boys in for some football at Mines?” Zayn rambles. I had zoned out because I saw Brittney walk through the door with her best friend Dayna. “I’m in if you guys are!” I hear Kyle say very faintly. “Easton? Easton!” yells Kyle and Zayn in unison. I snapped out of my gaze, “what? Yeah, I’m in.” Zayn and Kyle look at me and then back at one another, Kyle then speaks very quietly so only him, Zayn, and I heard, “bro, we know you’re looking at Brittney. GO over and talk to her.” I snap my head to look at Kyle, “are you crazy! She isn’t gonna want to speak to me. You remember how she reacted when she found out about Kayla and I!” I then just looked at Brittney some more. “BRO! BRO! SHE’S COMING OVER HERE!” I heard Kyle quietly yell. 

I see Dayna and Brittney walk over here. I cleared my throat before they arrived at our table, I looked into Brittney’s beautiful brown eyes, and I saw her gorgeous smile take over her face. “Hey Zayn! Hey Kyle! Um, hey Easton.” She said then shortly looked down at her shoes. All I remember is Dayna breaking the awkward silence that filled the corner. “So, can we sit and join you?” I shook my head, so did Kyle and Zayn. They sat down, Dayna sat by Kyle, and Brittney sat between Zayn and I. Brittney then turned to face me, and I did the same, “Um, Easton, can we talk in priv--” Kayla then comes roaring through McDonald’s glass doors, strutting up to the table my friends, Dayna, Brittney, and I were sitting at. 

“Hey baby, so you never texted me saying that you were hanging out with your buddies.” Kayla says while death stared at Brittney for a good couple of minutes. She then continues, “Anyways, are you going to come with me, McKenna, and Madison? Or are you gonna stay here with them?” Dayna gives me a look because she sees that Kayla is giving Brittney the death stare. “Um, I am just gonna chill here with them.” Kayla stares at Brittney some more, Brittney is starting to get pissed off. I can see it in her eyes. Kayla then keeps adding on, “Let’s go Easton, we are going shopping. And Lord knows that you need a wardrobe update.” I see Brittney start to get even more pissed off at the fact that Kayla is trying to force me to do things I don’t want to do. 

Brittneys’ POV: I was just chilling with Easton, Dayna, Zayn, and Kyle. But then, Kayla comes walking in with her supposed “posse”, looking like she’s all that. Which let’s be clear, she’s not. Kayla has this “Holier Than Thou” kind of attitude, and she is constantly on her high horse, and let me be crystal clear, that horse is going to be a Bucking Bronco soon. 

The sun became a moon sooner than I had thought, Dayna and I walked back to my house. We heard footsteps behind us and we also heard bike tires come to a stop. We turn to the side and see Easton, Zayn, and Kyle. Zayn and Kyle were on their bikes,and Easton was running beside them. Somehow Easton ended up next to me. Dayna looks at me and sees my ever so pale face turn red as a tomato. She then nudged me to the point that I had fallen into Easton. He caught me as I fell, I turned red again... 

Eastons’ POV: I caught Brittney cause she was about to fall onto the cement sidewalk, and she turned red.. I think I did too. The bros just looked at us. Oh God how much I wanted to kiss Brittney right then and there. But I didn’t. And now I think that I made a grave mistake choosing Kayla over Brittney, I’m miserable with Kayla. When I’m with Brittney I feel this instant feeling of joy, and I’m able to be my dumbass self around her. ‘Cause she does the same, she is herself when she is around her friends and I.. I think I screwed up bigtime.

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