Chapter 4: Double Fudge Brownies

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My breath forced tiny puffs of condensed air in short bursts, timed to the percussion of my pounding feet. The intense throb of my heart pumped adrenaline-laced blood like jet fuel through my veins. Up ahead, the form of my target came into view. I was going to beat him, again.

The nip of early morning air on my sweat-slicked skin pricked gooseflesh up my neck as I slowed to a triumphant stop. With a gleeful hop, I perched on the edge of the thick wooden trail marker. When Galen finally showed up, panting like he was giving birth, I cackled with pride.

"An hour and thirty-seven minutes," I hooted. "Your personal best!"

"Don't patronize me," he huffed and folded himself over at the waist to pant through a stitch.

"I'm not!" I protested with a grin, jumping down and bending over to stretch my calves out. "A seven and a half minute mile is decent. I mean, it's no four-"

"I can't tell if it's the endorphins giving you extra moxie this morning," Galen commented, still catching his breath. "Or you're nervous for your first day on the science squad."

"Jeez!" I scoffed defensively, refusing to consider what he just said. "I take it your last-minute Valentine's day gift went really well, or spectacularly bad?"

Galen arched his sculpted back to stretch his twice-pipe arms in the cool sunlight. There wasn't an angle that man couldn't bend that wasn't enjoyable to look at. Unapologetically, I chose to ogle his fitness over facing the truth about the day ahead.

"You know, most people don't feel the need to talk this much after rigorous exercise," he informed me.

"You look tired," I countered jokingly, switching to my other leg. "What's got you twisted boo?"

The electrons in my body were awake from our vigorous run while I scanned the empty streets and decorative foliage. Galen grimaced, pulling on his left shoulder to ignore me. Eventually, he unwound and stood up to inhale the fresh air and crisp sunshine.

"I need coffee before I can think of a good comeback," he said. "Let's go."

For a while I strolled alongside him, pointing my sunglasses forward and hiding behind a fluffy scarf. We rarely saw people on this rural hiking trail at five AM, but we couldn't be too careful. The public didn't know where the government was keeping me, officially. I'd been told it was for my safety and theirs. Regardless of my location, protestors made their homochromatic opinions of my existence known all over the world. 

I was either a hateful abomination or a bonafide superhero.

The rush from our exercise was converting into anxiety the closer we got to headquarters. I wasn't looking forward to today's agenda.

"So, are you allowed to have your own opinions in your department of the CIA?" I hedged.

Galen quirked a brow at my passive-aggressive implication but kept walking. "What kind of question is that?"

"I want to know what do you think of Varun, really?" I spat out, ready to hear his usual line about confidentiality and clearances.

Galen didn't slow his stride while he thought about his answer. A lone female jogger passed us on her route with absolute focus in her expression and poppy music blasting in her earbuds. Her shiny brown hair reflected the lemon of the cool sun cresting over the naked treetops.

"He's a very wealthy man with an ego to match his swollen brain," He said, matter-of-fact.

"Whoa," I laughed. "Tell me how you really feel."

"I thought I just did?"

"I thought you got sarcasm," I mocked with a sweet smile.

Galen's pulse had quickened and he was picking up speed to cover it up. Usually, our friendly banter was easy. I gave him crap for being a professional nark and fulltime nerd, while he playfully warned me whenever I stepped over the line. This morning, however, he'd been distracted and more irritatingly aloof than ever. I double-timed my steps to remind him that I was a genetically engineered Energizer Bunny.

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