Chapter 21: This is Progress

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"Excuse me?" Valentina exploded angrily, startling Nawell and Basem.

"The government has my mom and my brother!" I shouted, nearing the edge of my already frayed rope and tired of her combative attitude. "I can't join your little Scion caper, because my family is in real danger right now!"

"Wow, you didn't tell her anything, did you?" Cyrus scoffed at Mac, his eyes narrowing at my long lost friend.

"Like you're any better?" I snapped, reeling around to stare down Cyrus' overly-attractive face. "You wouldn't even tell me your name, and I've known you longer than Mac!"

"Technically, that's not true-" Mac tried to diffuse the situation.

"I conceal my identity to protect myself and my family," Cyrus defended artfully, and with surprisingly disdainful irritation. "Like any sane person would do."

"I had to give myself up!" I growled, locking horns with him across the mattress and squaring our bodies. "After you bailed on me in Malaysia!"

Cyrus stepped closer, clipping Basem's shoulder on the way. "I bailed to save your friend's life!" He snarled.

"Whoa, whoa, guys," Basem grabbed his brother's arms forcefully. "Take it easy, we just met five minutes ago, remember?"

"Well then, thank you for doing that!" I shouted angrily over Basem.

"See?" Mac said bleakly. "She said thank you. This is good. That's progress, believe it or not."

Cyrus and I were locked in and ready to fight, almost daring the other to say something or storm out. The cells in my chest had ignited, which was pointed right at his smug scarred mug, humming along with my heartbeat to warm my extremities and color my cheeks. I couldn't help it even if I wanted to, he was causing some sort of chain reaction inside me.

"Cyrus, buddy?" Mac's tone vacillated between mollycoddling and slightly disgruntled. "Why don't you go cool off, huh?"

"Gladly!" He threw his hands up to flex the lean muscles of his arms under a tight black shirt and mumbled. "Ungrateful child."

"Gladly," I mocked in a nasal voice while he stalked away.

"Alright, I need a minute with the kid!" Mac bellowed at everyone.

"Me?" Isla complained, unsure of what she'd done wrong.

"He means me," I sighed wearily.

"Damn Skippy, I do!" Mac shouted. "Everybody that's not named Ella, OUT!"

One by one 'the gang' (as Mac referred to them) filed out of the door.

I beheld the worn face of my friend, the only person who was willing to help me when I'd been turned into a human lightning rod. The man I thought I'd witnessed die a few months ago on a sweaty rooftop in Malaysia.

"What happened to Anne and Aaron?" Mac asked as a rush of grateful air escaped my lungs. "How did he get hurt?"

"It's my fault," I wailed shamefully, letting the weight of the words crush my wounded spirit. "I made Aaron post this video online to get Cyrus' attention because I wanted answers. I mean, Varun's been helping but he can't-"

"Hold on, hold on," Mac tried to calm me down. "How is Varun Rishi involved in this flea circus?"

"He's consulting on Project Scion," I replied, gulping to force a hiccup back down my throat.

"Again?!" Mac exploded. "That rat bastard!"

"Wait, did you say again?" I sputtered. "What's that supposed to mean?"

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