Since Day 1

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Maya's POV

We live in a small neighborhood; we all grew up together. Since the womb; It was always us. We'd have movie nights together, group sleepovers, they even taught me how to drive; we did everything together. Now that was all in jeopardy. Now we've got a new neighbor.

I heard loud trucks outside my window. I walked toward my windowpane and I saw a girl hop out. Her bright blonde hair could be seen from a mile away. I look up from my window, I notice the other boys heard the trucks as well and they looked down at the scene as well. Once they spotted me, they gave me a sympathetic look and left the window. I turned away from the window and dragged myself to the bathroom and washed up. After a warm shower, I changed into some fresh clothes. 

"Maya! Come downstairs to meet the new neighbors!" 

Oh no.

I plopped downstairs and walked towards the table where my mom stood. 

"These are the Hughtons, they live in the blue house across from us." I looked toward the small hurdle of people. The blonde girl grinned and waved. She looked just like her dad. Her mother and brother also smiled while the father just said hey. I greeted them with a warm smile and shook their hands. I felt the blonde girls' eyes on me. 

"I'm Bailey, hopefully, we can be best friends" she cheered. Just breathe Maya.

Just breathe.

The Hughton's left and made their way to the next neighbors house, Zach. He's my best friend-    I mean- we're all best friends; Zach, Daniel, Jonah, Corbyn, Jack, and of course there's me. Some people might think it's a little weird to have all-boy-friends but I don't pay to much attention to that. I heard Zach's doorbell ring and his mother's cheery voice allowing the Hughton's to enter.

This is sure going to be a long day.

A/N: hiiiii, I know this is a short chapter, but I just wanted some feedback on how the story is so far. I hope you guys enjoy! Let me know if you'd like me to continue.

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